Make THIS Vision Board To Find Your Soulmate

By Shereen Campbell

On November 15, 2021

In Aspect, Date, Sex

Make THIS Vision Board To Find Your Soulmate

 Ever feel like you need magic to find the one? We hear you. Luckily, magic is all around, and you can find it to help lead you to lasting, soulmate style love. In our latest column, Star Crossed Love, Shereen Campbell, an astrologer, intuitive, crystal expert and woman who manifested her own relationship (read her inspiring story here!) will share spells, crystal rituals, and astrology tips to help you find—and keep—the one. After all, love is magic. Use magic to attact it in your life! — editors

It’s a New Year and absolutely a new you! This new you is determined not to see the end of 2018 single, so of course you made one of your resolutions exactly this. Get a partner  is prominent on your list and you are determined to see this one through no matter how many blind dates, Tinder swipes and bad dates you have to go on. What better way to kick off this resolution with a little vision boarding? Did you know that according to a Harvard Business School study, people that have goals are 10 times more successful than people without goals and those that write them down are 3 times more successful that those that don’t write them?

Well imagine how much more successful people that add photos to their words are with accomplishing their goals? Plus, what better way to focus in on the type of relationship you want to create with your new bae than to know exactly what it will look like? Vision boards not only help you create clarity for yourself and the universe to deliver what you want to manifest in your life, but also serve as amazing reminders to keep believing your dream is coming. Clearly, I am a huge fan of vision boards, and I put together a list of my best vision boarding tips just for you. Plus, as a bonus, here is my love vision board for your reference. And in case you are wondering, every time I look at my vision board I see bae and I have accomplished more and more of the things I put on the board. We are even planning to do a vision board day this weekend! Here, how to make one of your own!

Avoid Limits
Don’t be scared to dream big. Don’t worry about how the Universe will deliver, just see yourself getting what you put on the board. You want someone who loves to travel and you can visit the world together, then put as many airplanes, white sand beaches and hotels on your board as you want. Heck, my vision board has a 100 foot yacht I want to vacation with my bae on.

Add Variety
You want your next love to be your last love and a proposal. You might not know what ring you want, so put a couple different options you like on the board. The same purpose is achieved and it’s clear that you want marriage.

Use Words
 Sometimes when we think of vision boards we think we can only put a ton of photos. This is not true. Throw in some words that resonate with the type of love you want to create. If romance is important for your dream relationship, then boldly add it. If a spiritual connection is what you want, then make sure it’s prominently placed.

Get Creative
If you can’t find the exact photo of what you want, draw a picture or write a poem to convey the message. Maybe even staple a love letter to your future bae letting him know how happy you are that you guys met.

Focus on the Relationship, Not the Person
This might be the most important tip. Don’t go making a vision board of the perfect love. Make a vision board of a relationship that really resonates with you. If you want a relationship where you spend a lot of time hanging out with mutual friends being social, then include that. If you want a relationship where you do couples yoga, put that on the board. Don’t go making a giant list of all the things that you want the other person to be. You might get that person and realize you guys have nothing in common. Focus on what your lives will look like together and allow the Universe to choose the person that you can best create that with.

Shereen Campbell is an astrologer, ecommerce manager, and the founder of My Little Magic Shop. She loves sailing, southern Italian food, and all things magical.

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