Weekly Horoscope: February 7-13, 2022

By Horoscope.com

On February 7, 2022

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: February 7-13, 2022

Winter notwithstanding, the weather is fine in the beginning—astrologically, that is. On Monday, the moon is in sweet Taurus, implying a bit of self-indulgence for the collective. Most of the rest of the week finds Luna in wild Gemini. Though it’s tempered by the Capricorn energy, try to check in with yourself emotionally.

However, Friday breaks up the cool, as Mercury in Capricorn conjoins Pluto in the same sign. The planet of transformation is nothing to play with, and with its proximity to Mercury, a few choice words are almost a given. So, be sure to take a beat before responding and don’t let any unfortunate situations test your patience!

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


The first half of the week finds you and self-indulgent bliss with a sprinkling a lively conversation, thanks to the moon’s shift into Gemini. However, be sure to buckle down for Friday, dear Aries. That Mercury-Pluto conjunction can be a doozy if you’re not careful, especially with both planets smack dab in your career sector. If possible, practice a little self-care, as things at the office may get tense.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


This is the time to manifest abundance, Taurus. The moon in Gemini falls into your area of possessions and earnings, so your eyes are on the prize in more ways than one. Think Ariana Grande: “I want it. I got it.”  Because Gemini’s energy can get wild, it’s essential good to remind yourself not to overdo it. Afterpay is a modern wonder, but it will soon have you wondering where all your money went.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


I don’t think you ever need a reason to primp and preen yourself, Gemini. But if you were looking for one, the moon goes into your sign and appearance sector on Wednesday, and this could be a lovely time to switch things up appearance-wise. But think before picking up that hair dye! You tend to be a bit impulsive, and that’s never ideal when your hair is involved.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


You’re typically a thoughtful lover, Cancer, but something wicked this way comes on Friday. Pluto’s conjunction with Mercury in your romance sector may put your relationships to the test. However, not all tests are bad, and you may find that your dynamic changes for the better. So, don’t panic and practice a bit more patience this week.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


With Mars in your sector of order and self-improvement, you’re ready to get it together, Leo. Maybe you’re becoming a gym rat ready to get those gains. Or perhaps you’re diving into that meticulous project at work. However, your critiques and expectations may be a bit harsher than usual. While you may be getting it together, keep in mind that not everyone shares your stick-to-itiveness and will to succeed. 

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


With the abundance of Capricorn energy as well as the moon in Gemini and your career zone, your mind will probably be on work, even when you’re at home! Virgo, truthfully, you’re a bit of a workaholic. While I’d recommend that you take a break, I’m not sure that you’d listen. With that said, try not to waste your evening hours. Read a book, watch some TV—anything to wind down this week. You’ll definitely be needing it.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Travel may be on your mind, Libra. This moon in Gemini flies into your zone of long-distance travel and education. While an international flight may not be possible at the moment, a good book may satisfy your desire to travel to new worlds (of thought). Or maybe you could kick back and enjoy the Olympics! The international scenes may satisfy your thirst. 

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


The moon in Gemini sets the scene for your week, Scorpio, and it’s looking a little intense. With this wild planet in your zone of intimacy and transformation, something’s gotta give. Are you hiding something from yourself or others? Suppressing? If so, know that these things may come to a head this week, but don’t worry! Everything that happens is meant to be. Like a phoenix, you’re bound to rise from the ashes better than before.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Got love on the brain, Sagittarius? It would come as little surprise if you do, especially with the moon in Gemini floating in your romance sector. What do you love about your lover? If you’re single, what do you want in a partner? This is the time to put yourself out there, especially now that fair Venus has returned to direct motion. 

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


There’s no better time than the present to start building new habits, Capricorn. Wednesday’s energetic moon in Gemini lands in your sector of daily routines and health, urging you to look after yourself a little better. There’s nobody more important than your body. With the planet action still in your sign and appearance zone, feeling comfortable in your own skin will be crucial over the next few weeks. 

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


It’s a little out of character, but you might be feeling like keeping to yourself this week, Aquarius. Pluto is conjoining Mercury in your sector of secrets and the unseen. Though Capricorns aren’t known for their hysterics, all that energy in such a delicate place may have you reaching for the tissues, but don’t fret! The transit is a relatively short one, and it very well may bring needful changes.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Words with friends might be a little sharp this week, Pisces. As you know, the planets of communication and transformation conjoin on Friday. It’s never an easy transit, but since it’s happening in your network sector, you might want to prepare yourself for a few not-so-friendly conversations. But worry not, the discomfort won’t last forever. Next week, it’ll feel like a bad dream.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

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