Weekly Horoscope: April 1–7, 2024

By Mary Bergner

On March 31, 2024

In Astrology, Horoscope, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: April 1–7, 2024

Despite some unfortunate cosmic news early on, the rest of the week is extremely promising. Don’t let one little blip drain you of your energy and send you on a downward spiral. Keep reading to get advice on keeping the blahs at bay while you celebrate the more positive planetary placements headed your way! 

The universe is quite the prankster on Monday, thinking it’s pretty clever to send Mercury (the great communicator, currently in wild Aries) spinning backward on April Fool’s Day. But that’s okay. As long as you stay on your toes as you navigate the usual Mercurial retrograde mischief, you’ll be the one to get the last laugh. 

On Thursday, Venus (the planetary pleasure-seeker) also enters enthusiastic Aries, adding excitement to your love and money zones. Some opportunities only come along once in a lifetime, and with the Ram’s competitive, enthusiastic energy behind you now, there’s no better time to really go for it.  

On Saturday, bold Venus sextiles experimental Pluto (repping the cosmic gift of evolution) in Aquarius, radiating good vibes and encouraging you to manifest what you desire. Stop being jealous of other people and start living your best life. You’re so much more capable than you’ve been giving yourself credit for.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


You’re direct and assertive, and you’re determined not to let anything get in the way of your winning attitude. You really can’t imagine coming in second place now, Aries, especially considering the rest of the competition. Is that rude or conceited to say? Probably. But since when did you worry about what anyone else thought of you?

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You’ve got a highly idealized way of thinking about your life this week, Taurus, but that doesn’t make it wrong. So what if you’re wearing rose-colored glasses and refuse to see the negative side of things? As long as you’re happy and not hurting anyone else, your blissful ignorance isn’t that offensive.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


You thrive on your ability to connect with others, Gemini, which might not be as easy now as it is at other times. Giving up isn’t on your radar, but be prepared to work a little harder to get and keep people’s attention. Social media could be glitching a lot this week, so get ready to use alternative methods of communication to stay in touch with the people who matter most.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Your talent for being a leader increases, so don’t be surprised if you’re given more responsibilities at work or at home. Your self-doubt might kick in at first but the more you get the hang of it, the more you believe in yourself and your amazing abilities. Respect and success are the results of all your hard work this week, Cancer.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Keeping an open mind leads to all kinds of interesting experiences and amazing surprises. This is a great time to explore unfamiliar territory, meet diverse people, and hop on current trends. The more you learn, Leo, the more well-rounded you are, and when all is said and done, you’d be a welcome member of anyone’s trivia team! #SlayAtGameNight

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


The more you open up this week, the better chance you have for something deeply meaningful to happen. You aren’t an overly emotional sign, Virgo, but you can feel the intense energy around you now, encouraging you to take a risk. Your feelings matter, so don’t waste this opportunity to set down your heavy baggage and get the closure you deserve.  

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Your close relationships could use some extra effort this week, Libra. If you feel like something is off between you and your BFF or a sibling, don’t ignore it. It’s important to address issues now before they turn into something more. We’re not saying everything is your fault, but it’s possible you hurt someone’s feelings without knowing it. Don’t be too proud to apologize.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Although most of the time you’d rather be about it than speak about it, your words have special powers this week. The last thing you probably want to do is give a presentation or motivational speech, but you really are one of the best people for the job now, Scorpio. Your reputation as an expert on a wide range of topics makes people really want to hear what you have to say.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You get bored easily now, especially when you hang around people who don’t want to do anything adventurous. Taking risks this week is your love language, and you can’t wait to have some fun and maybe even get into some trouble. You’re not thinking about the potential consequences of your actions, you’re just living in the moment. If your old friends don’t want to go along for the ride, Sag, you’re ready to make new ones.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


If a family member or close friend wants you to talk about your emotions this week, it’s going to be a tough ask. You have a naturally reserved, introverted personality, and it isn’t easy for you to open up. If it’s important enough to the other person, though, Capricorn, you should give it a try. Letting the people closest to you know you love them should be a top priority.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Pouring on the charm will get you exactly what you want this week—and possibly more! Your rizz is off the charts, and it’s easy for you to make new connections, both socially and professionally. Yes, you will have your share of misunderstandings and awkward interactions just like everyone else, but your ability to laugh them off and turn them into a joke is an enviable skill. 

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Your talents can be incredibly inspirational this week if you’re willing to go out on a limb and share them, Pisces. You’re surrounded by a combination of creativity and boldness that sets you apart from the other signs and gives you a special voice in the world. It’s time to share your art, in whatever form it takes, with an audience. Get ready for a standing ovation.  

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photo Courtesy of Toàn Văn on Pexels.

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