6 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Virgo Risings

By Stephanie N. Campos

On August 15, 2022

In Astrology, Celebrity, Virgo

6 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Virgo Risings

Ever wonder which celebrities share a Virgo rising with you? Here’s a roundup of six celebrities who were born with a Virgo rising.

What Does Virgo Rising Mean?

If you were born with a Virgo rising, it means the zodiac sign rising in the Eastern sky at the time of your birth was Virgo. Congrats! Your ruling planet is Mercury, the planet of communication, the mind and travel.

Virgo risings tend to be reserved and quiet at first. They are incredibly observant. Because they are always taking in information, they pay attention to the little things and are also very thoughtful. This rising sign loves to be of service and feel useful (but beware!) it’s important that Virgo risings don’t get caught up in a cycle of self-sacrifice. Virgo rising people are excellent communicators and problem solvers—they’ve got a system and a plan for everything!

Celebrities With Virgo Risings


That’s right: The “Material Girl” herself has a Virgo rising! You’ll find many artists born under a Virgo rising because Virgo’s ruling planet is Mercury, the planet of communication. Singers and songwriters usually have a strong Mercury in their birth chart. Madonna was also born with her Mercury and moon both in Virgo. 

READ MORE: Leo Rising Celebrities


Rapper, record producer, entrepreneur—is there anything this Jay-Z can’t do? It’s no wonder he’s a Virgo rising! Virgos are generally very skilled at whatever they put their minds to and Jay-Z is here to make that clear. What’s more–Beyoncé, his wife, is an iconic Virgo. Her sun sign is in the same sign as his rising sign, which can speak to an instant spark or connection.

Michael B. Jordan 

Actor and all-around stud Michael B. Jordan is a Virgo rising. An incredibly skilled actor, it’s no wonder Michael B. Jordan has been able to perfect his craft. It’s impossible to ignore the hard work that he’s poured into his passion and the attention to detail he gives every character. Another thing Virgo risings are known for: overachieving. It’s no wonder Michael B. Jordan has been nominated for so many awards. Let’s be real: He deserves the recognition! 

Bella Hadid

Did someone say supermodel? Even though Virgo isn’t the sign that’s typically associated with Venusian-like topics, such as beauty and grace, supermodel, Bella Hadid was born with a Virgo rising. She also has her Venus, the planet of beauty, in the sign of Virgo, sitting right on top of her Virgo rising. This signature in her chart can speak to her physical beauty and charm. Refined, polished and ever-so chic, she screams Virgo energy.

READ MORE: Will Smith Zodiac Sign and Birth Chart

Kris Jenner

Shocking to absolutely no one, momager of the century Kris Jenner is a Virgo rising. Hardworking and always working on a million projects at once, Jenner definitely gives all Virgo risings a run for their money. You have to be organized after all if you want to stay on top of everything it takes to run a multiple-billion-dollar empire.

Emma Watson

Hermonie fans won’t be shocked to find out that Emma Watson is a bookworm in real life and in Harry Potter. Virgo risings love of communication usually extends to writing, reading, studying and learning. Emma Watson is known for studying at the prestigious Brown University (and Hogwarts!). She’s also a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and champions gender equality. Virgos love to fight on behalf of those who need it most.

READ MORE: List of Famous Astrologers


Is Beyoncé a Virgo?

Yes, Beyoncé is a Virgo. She was born on September 4. Even though she was born during Virgo season, she only has one planet in Virgo, her sun. She is a Libra rising and has five planets also in Libra.

How do I know if I’m a Virgo rising?

To find out if you’re a Virgo rising, you can use a birth chart calculator to learn more about your placements and rising sign. If the first house and your ascendant is marked by Virgo, then you are a Virgo rising.

Are Virgos hot?

Of course Virgos are hot! Every zodiac sign is hot—we don’t discriminate by sign! Virgos might attract those who crave intellectual stimulation and someone whose love language is acts of service. Virgo also pays close attention to detail, so they know how to look good.

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