March Monthly Lovescope: Two Full Moons Crank Up Passion. Can Your Relationship Survive?

Two full moons, two retrogrades, a new moon, and the spring equinox make March a tremendous period of self reflection and personal growth!
It all starts on March 1 as a Virgo full moon opposes the Pisces sun. If you’ve become preoccupied with money and appearances, you’ll realize that life is more than cashing a paycheck and looking picture perfect. You don’t have to maintain perfect credit and bathe in luxury. You have to take care of yourself and pay your bills and love with all your heart and let yourself be loved in return. That’s it.
On March 8, Jupiter turns retrograde, where it will stay for 4 months. Search your soul. What do you need to change so you can grow? Once you know the answer, start making moves and get ready to receive the gifts Jupiter wants to give you.
On March 6, Mercury and Venus move into Aries. Be careful with how you spend money, and watch your ego. The Pisces sun balances Aries self-centered disposition until the spring equinox on March 20 when the sun also moves into Aries! All this Aries energy can make you aggressive and impetuous, but it will also give you the courage to stand up for yourself.
Quit toxic relationships on or before March 8. That’s when we fall into Mercury’s retrograde shadow, and on March 22, Mercury will officially be retrograde. Let yourself slow down, and set the intention on the Pisces new moon (March 17) to do just this.
And as if all of this wasn’t enough, on March 31, a Libra full moon rocks partnerships! Release anything that blocks harmony and personal freedom in your relationships. If a relationship ends, trust that everything will work out. Venus is moving into Taurus. The stability of true love is coming for us all.
Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope!
Aries Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Venus in Aries connects you with love. Lasting relationships are likely to strengthen, and new ones may begin. Whatever happens, your love life will flourish! Put your true self out there and stay open to receiving the love your deserve.
This Month’s Mystery: Mars moves into Capricorn. This grounds your Aries energy and focuses your attention on practical matters, but it also inspires your ambition and lust for power. Remember your compassion!
This Month’s Mantra: I will use my power for good and with love.
Passion Prediction:
Taurus Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Aries brings excitement! Let yourself play. Try new things. Push your boundaries. You are growing, and the honeymoon energy of a new relationship floods your love life and reinvigorates old bonds.
This Month’s Mystery: Capricorn challenges Venus. Love is likely to feel light and casual and hard to pin down, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t grow into something lasting, especially with the Libra full moon on March 31.
This Month’s Mantra: I am here to have fun and enjoy my life!
Passion Prediction:
Gemini Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Mercury in Aries strikes you like lightning! You’re learning new things and experiencing creative inspiration. Follow where this leads – even if it doesn’t make sense in the moment. Your intuition will guide you to the work and love you’re meant to have.
This Month’s Mystery: Mercury retrograde makes you doubt yourself. Are you making the right choices? Are you taking care of future you? The great news is that you don’t have to decide right now. You’ll know the answer when you know.
This Month’s Mantra: When in doubt, do nothing.
Passion Prediction:
Cancer Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Three major moon events bring great transformation and major release! Let this all unfold. The first two moons make you go inside and heal, and the full moon at the end of the month will help you make the decisions you need to make in any relationship. It’s time to make or break.
This Month’s Mystery: Three major moon events bring great transformation and major release! Let this all unfold. The first two moons make you go inside and heal, and the full moon at the end of the month will help you make the decisions you need to make in any relationship. It’s time to make or break.
This Month’s Mantra: I am ready to stand strong and face the world.
Passion Prediction:
Leo Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: The Pisces new moon sends your ruling planet – the sun – a lot of love! You are healing. You can see the big picture. You know the truth. Be brave. Let it all in. Reflect. Process. You are slowly moving forward.
This Month’s Mystery: Mercury’s retrograde shadow begins March 8. Don’t hesitate to make the decisions you need to make. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes. March 6 is the ideal time to make any big moves.
This Month’s Mantra: I love myself. I am creating the life I want to live.
Passion Prediction:
Virgo Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: The Virgo full moon helps you shed material obsessions and anxieties and connect with your higher purpose! The theme of the month is unconditional love. You are so much more than your wallet and your waistline. Get in nature, especially by water, to understand what this means.
This Month’s Mystery: Mercury shortcuts deliberations. You’re prone to make swift decisions, especially if enraged. Slow down. Think things through. Don’t let your temper get the best of you.
This Month’s Mantra: It’s what’s inside that matters most.
Passion Prediction:
Libra Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Venus in Aries spikes your sex drive. You’re down for casual love and in need of excitement. You aren’t afraid to ask for what you want, and you’re bound to get it. Fantasies are fulfilled!
This Month’s Mystery: The Libra full moon tests your ego. You need to find the balance between independence and partnership. They can peacefully coexist. Only leave a relationship if you genuinely can’t feel free within it.
This Month’s Mantra: I’m receiving harmony and bliss in love.
Passion Prediction:
Scorpio Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Jupiter trines Chiron, and you’re over past betrayals. You feel compassion and forgiveness for those you blamed, and you’re finally ready to share your magic with the world! And please share it! Your energy is healing for everyone right now.
This Month’s Mystery: Mars in Capricorn has you making moves that support your long-term goals. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it can be hard to balance with Pisces and Aries. You’re torn between practical sense and spiritual urges. When anxiety strikes, check off your to-do list and get to yoga.
This Month’s Mantra: I am a powerful witch. I create my world. I call in my greatest love.
Passion Prediction:
Sagittarius Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: You feel at home in Aries’ fire, and here, your desire for constant change softens. Foster new patterns and habits in your life. Embrace new relationships. If there’s a project or something you want to start, do it now!
This Month’s Mystery: Mars leaves Sagittarius on the Pisces new moon. You’re being asked to do things differently, to find stability and security while also connecting with your spiritual side. Reflect on where you are and set an intention on March 17 that helps create positive change in your life.
This Month’s Mantra: I am ready to start fresh.
Passion Prediction:
Capricorn Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Mars moves into Capricorn! You feel virile and powerful. The second half the month is the time to set forth and accomplish your goals and enjoy your favorite kind of sex – whatever that means for you!
This Month’s Mystery: Saturn squares Venus. For two weeks out of the month, love and money are going to feel like a struggle. You’re creating the life you want, but there are definitely obstacles along the way. Don’t give up. Find your grit and stay the course.
This Month’s Mantra: I am ready to receive my abundance.
Passion Prediction:
Aquarius Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: Venus, Mercury, and the sun join Uranus in Aries! Focus on yourself and get things started. That can mean new projects, new relationships, or new routines. Whatever your mind envisions, you can create it now.
This Month’s Mystery: Venus conjuncts Uranus…in Aries…on the Libra full moon. Not going to sugar coat it, this signals a breakup. But if the relationship survives, any codependency certainly will not! You’ll find a way to live your life the way you want—with or without a partner.
This Month’s Mantra: I am building my life for me and me alone.
Passion Prediction:
Pisces Monthly Love Horoscope
This Month’s Magic: A Pisces new moon gives you new life! A life in which you aren’t weighed down by suffering. A life in which you feel the healing power of the universe. A life in which you become that healing power for others. You’re ready to love without sacrificing yourself in the process.
This Month’s Mystery: Mars makes you get to work. Suddenly traditional, practical matters seem really important, and you may realize that you haven’t been taking care of yourself in this area. But that’s okay! Now’s the time to start making choices that support your long term goals.
This Month’s Mantra: Everything happens on its own time, at the right time.
Passion Prediction:
Virginia teaches you how to harness your intuitive powers, choose your most purposeful work, create nourishing boundaries, and attract your ideal partner. She utilizes tools and techniques acquired over years of working with energy, science, astrology, tarot, yoga, meditation, and more! She helps you remember just how free and powerful you really are. Are you ready for you most magical, meaningful life? Connect with Virginia now and discover more!
Read February’s love horoscope here.
Manifest love in the new year with your exclusive 2018 horoscope.
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