January 2022 New Moon in Capricorn Horoscopes

Happy new year — and, perhaps more importantly, happy new moon! Rising on Sunday, January 2, at 10:33am PT, the first major lunation of 2022 serves us an equally grounding and invigorating fresh start that beautifully aligns with the symbolism of entering a new calendar year. This ultra-focused new moon helps us build a sturdy foundation for our goals in the year ahead while also reminding us that the universe always has a few surprises in store, too.
With the sun and moon aligning in hardworking Capricorn (alongside values planet Venus and power-hungry Pluto), this lunation is highly supportive of any intentions related to work, money, and career. It’s a great time to plot your professional and financial goals for the year to come, as well as lay the concrete steps needed to accomplish them. Thinking ahead is essential under this new moon, as it will grant us both the foresight and the discipline we need to carry out our long-term goals.
With earth sign Capricorn at the helm, this new moon’s vibe is grounding, but this is no time to stay stuck in your old ways. Wild child planet Uranus is in a strong trine with the luminaries, sending a lightning bolt of magic and excitement into our new moon experience. This connection reminds us to stay open-minded and think outside the box when it comes to planning for the future. Additionally, positive lunar alignments with both motivated Mars and responsible Saturn reinforce our commitment to our New Year’s goals and up our overall stamina, making this a powerful time to make resolutions that we can actually stick to.
Capricorn energy can lean toward the traditional. However, Uranus’ unorthodox influence on this lunation asks us to leave room for the unexpected and break out of our usual routines as we visualize what lies before us. Success is just as much about going with the flow as it is focusing. So, be sure to leave room for unforeseen opportunities, magical surprises, and lightning bolts of inspiration that could send us soaring in a totally unexpected direction.

It’s time to boss up, Aries. The moves you make under this new moon could set the tone in your career for the next six months, so step up your game and make some power plays. Accepting new responsibilities or taking the lead on a big project could be exactly what you need to impress your supervisors and secure the respect — and raise — you’ve been hoping for.
When you’re in the comfort of a solid routine, it can be hard to find the motivation to pursue a new interest or commit to learning more about something. But this new moon in your ninth house of adventure will bring you the energy you need to step out of your comfort zone and branch out. Take steps toward expanding your mind and broadening your skillset.
We never really know how strong our boundaries are until someone tries to cross them, do we, Gemini? Thankfully, this new moon is asking you to put in the work before someone takes their chance. Get clear on how much time, energy, and resources you’re willing to give to the people and situations in your life, then set some firm but still flexible limits.
Under this new moon, Cancer, you’re hopping into the driver’s seat of your relationships. It’s time to think about what you want your partnerships to look like in the long-term and initiate conversations about that emotional trajectory, even if it feels out of character to be so blunt. Straightforwardness will help you steer things in the right direction.
The New Year’s energy of this new moon is inspiring you to fully organize your life, Leo. It’s time to go through your Google calendar and tighten up your schedule, cleanse your closets of old junk, and add some healthy new habits to your daily routine. By staying on top of the little things, you make it easier to accomplish big things, so prioritize your wellness.
The new moon in your creative fifth house encourages you to make your wildest dreams a reality this year, Virgo. It’s a beautiful time to get more serious about a passion project or take steps to turn your side hustle into a lucrative day job. Following your heart and pouring your energy into the things that make you feel excited will lead you to thrilling new places.
Now is your chance to start fresh when it comes to home and family matters, Libra. If there are lingering responsibilities in your domestic life or unresolved issues in the realm of your emotions, it’s time to step up and get things handled. Your diplomacy skills will make it easy to smooth things over. And once it’s done, you’ll be able to relish in the feeling of peace and harmony.
You prefer to keep a tight circle, Scorpio, but this new moon marks an important time to open up and branch out. Reach out to people you haven’t talked to in a while, and don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with an interesting stranger. You might just be planting the seeds that’ll help some meaningful new connections blossom in your life down the road.
You have a chance to turn over a new leaf when it comes to money, Sagittarius. Put together a shiny new 2022 budget or meet with a financial planner who can help you get a solid grip on your assets. By being more responsible with your cash, you can more easily maintain your free-spirited lifestyle. So, think of it as an investment in being able to live like the happy-go-lucky adventurer that you love to be.
Happy annual new moon in your sign, Capricorn! This one marks a major new beginning for you, so think about who you want to be in the year to come and start getting comfortable in your skin. Whether this manifests as a new moon makeover or the start of a new endeavor in your life, it’s important that you embrace your core desires and stay true to yourself. You deserve to shine!
Aquarius, you’re a social and cerebral person by nature, but this new moon is a time to step back from the buzz and power down. Daydreaming, catching up on post-holiday rest, and getting lost in your imagination are all that need to go on your new moon agenda. By taking time out to recharge, you’ll be able to return to life feeling refreshed and ready to rock ‘n’ roll.
The holidays may be over, but the season of giving isn’t coming to an end, Pisces. In fact, under this new moon, perhaps it’s just beginning! This lunation is inspiring you to embrace your humanitarian gifts and give back. Getting more involved with your community or doing some volunteer work can help connect you with like-minded people who will celebrate your kindness and sensitivity. It feels good to be appreciated!
Photos Courtesy of Rakicevic Nenad and cottonbro on Pexels.