How to Get Over a Breakup Using Energy Healing

By Simone Paget

On January 11, 2021

In Astrology, Love

How to Get Over a Breakup Using Energy Healing

Ah, love. So good when it’s good… and so depressing when it’s bad. I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs (and bad breakups) and, without going into details, the results of such broken hearts weren’t always pretty ?  But thankfully with the help of some energy healing tactics, I’ve found some fool-proof ways to get up and move on. Don’t be fooled, they actually work.

This unique way to mend a broken heart came to me after a spontaneous trip to New York City to meet the man of my dreams. I had met him a few months earlier while visiting the city. He was handsome, smart, and quietly confident in a way that was irresistibly sexy. I was smitten. We stayed in touch over the summer, and when fall rolled around, I made plans to visit him. 

When I arrived in New York however, I quickly realized that things wouldn’t work out between us. Emotionally raw and alone in a new city, I didn’t know how to process everything I was feeling. Cue: An embarrassing public meltdown that involved me bursting into tears in front of the M&M store in Times Square.  

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How I Found Energy Healing as a Way to Move on

cry glitter

Courtesy of @sarashakeel

In the past, this kind of emotional turmoil would have sent me face first into a box of donuts or cheap wine (or if we’re being perfectly honest—both), but instead, I reached for my phone. I texted Courtney Taylor, a psychic clairvoyant and energy healer—and honestly, it was the best decision I could have made. And if you’re going through something similar, reaching out for a psychic love reading might not be a bad idea!

Taylor uses a combination of crystal therapy and spirit guides to help shift your energy while she speaks to you on the phone. She says, “Energy is everything. People underestimate the power of it, but energy work is important in every area of our lives but especially our relationship space.”  

During our thirty minute conversation, Taylor walked me through a variety of different visualizations before prescribing two crystals to help rebalance my energy—rose quartz and black tourmaline. I can’t explain exactly how she works her magic, just that I left the conversation feeling lighter.  

Unlike in the past where I’d spend months mulling over breakups and romantic disappointments, speaking to an energy healer helped me move forward in a healthy, peaceful way.  

If you’re struggling with a break-up (and hoping to avoid crying on the shoulder of a human-sized M&M), here are a few energy healing tips that you can try right now.  

5 Ways to Get Over a Breakup Using Energy Healing

Figuratively Slam the Door in Your Ex’s Face

“People can sense your energy. You don’t want to hover over someone—especially when you’re trying to get them back. One, you’re not doing your personal work. And two, it’s not good for the dynamic of the relationship,” says Taylor.  

You need to cut the energy cord. Taylor encourages people to close their eyes and visualize the other person, then imagine slamming a door in their face. If it comes up again, slam the door harder. “People always say to me: that actually works. It feels so vicious but I like it!” she adds.  

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Write a Letter That You’ll Never Send

Energy shifts happen when you acknowledge feelings and release them. Taylor’s suggestion: Write the other person a letter. “I want you to say everything you need to as if you were right in front of this person. Then I want you to re-read the letter as much you can. When it doesn’t feel so painful anymore that’s when you know you’ve made the shift,” she says.  

Whether it’s the person who broke your heart or the coworker who keeps stealing your lunch, this process works for all different kinds of relationships Taylor says.  

Surround Yourself With Gentle, Protective Crystals

Crystal therapy is a huge part of energy work and emboldens people to go into a metaphysical store, walk around and see what crystals they’re drawn to. “Pick it up. Hold it. Feel it,” she says. If you’re not sure which crystals would work best for you, Taylor suggests doing a self check-in and asking yourself, “What am I feeling right now? Where does this hurt? And go from there,” says Taylor.

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When prescribing crystals post-breakup, Taylor says, “I definitely wouldn’t give them a clear quartz or anything too strong, because it would be too much. They need to go towards crystals with lighter, softer vibrations.”  

 This means embracing crystals like amethyst, moonstone, and rose quartz. “Amethyst helps rebalance your energy levels. It’s also really important that we love ourselves. Rose quartz will give you that,” says Taylor.  

If replaying the breakup is keeping you up at night, Taylor suggests putting a piece of healing Selenite near your bed. This high vibration stone settles your energy and helps bring you down when you’re panicked or hyper. Placing some amethyst under your mattress can also help.   

Or, Empower Yourself With Carnelian

When going through a breakup, “most of the time we’re trying to rebalance ourselves and get our feet on the ground,” says Taylor. Carnelian can help with this. “It gives you an energy boost and that feeling like you’re invincible,” says Taylor. So, if you’re working up the nerve to return that box of stuff that your ex left at your apartment, Taylor explains, “carnelian is a stone that will give you courage and motivation.”

Have Faith in the Process

Lastly, trust that the Universe has your back. “People are sometimes scared to cut energy cords because they don’t want it to mean that they can’t get the other person back,” says Taylor. But you need to put yourself first. Adding, “We are shifting your energy for you. You’re always going to be in the place that you need to be.”

Lead photo courtesy of Giphy

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