Coronavirus Predictions 2021: Vaccines, Outbreaks, and More

What’s the coronavirus update? Well, since the question on everyone’s mind seems to be, “When will coronavirus end?” we’ll address that first. Covid-19 in the U.S. isn’t just going to “disappear”—especially not in 2021. According to astrology, the Covid projections for 2021 show that we have a long way to go before things are “back to the way things were.”
On December 2, 2019, when Jupiter (planet of abundance) entered Capricorn, the first coronavirus report was made in Wuhan, China. And once the Great Conjunction, Saturn (planet of foundation) and Pluto (planet of destruction), hit on January 12, 2020, a wildly fatal pandemic had been born—with no end in sight.
Fast forward a year and now we’re in 2021—a transitional year where the effects of 2020 will continue to play out. For example, outbreaks of the coronavirus will still likely take place in the future, particularly in countries and populations with fewer resources to immunize and control the virus. While reprieve is in sight, 2022 is the year where things will feel more blessed. Here is the astrological outline of the virus’ rise and falls from now until 2022.
COVID-19 Coronavirus 2021: Important Astrological Factors
Courtesy of @holistic_astrology
Pluto in Capricorn. While Pluto, the known ruler of viruses, is direct until April 27, 2021, the virus will be more virulent and deadly. From then until October 6, it will be “asleep,” causing it to be less prominent. And when Pluto leaves this sign in 2023, the virus will likely be eradicated.
Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. Aquarius holds ties to technology, science, and the future, which indicates many breakthroughs regarding these areas, as well. With Jupiter bringing expansion, luck, and fortune, the global community will see more optimism, connectivity, and healing take place—especially through the means of new technologies and science (vaccinations). Saturn, however, will bring new worldwide challenges such as increased restrictions due to COVID-19 precautions.
Jupiter in Pisces. When Jupiter dances into Pisces from May 13 to July 28, life will certainly feel more expressive, free, and flowing. Jupiter in Pisces is a deeply spiritual and healing transit, which again shows greater collective relief.
Eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius. The eclipses on the Gemini and Sagittarius axis that began in 2020 will continue throughout 2021. There will be a focus on international affairs and how nations work together to combat the virus’s transmission and dissemination of vaccines. Global travel will be a major issue of regulation and negotiation.
Mercury Retrogrades in Air Signs. Since all three Mercury retrogrades will be in air signs this year, communication and technological confusion will manifest significantly. During retrogrades, there may be delays or problems with vaccination rollouts and misinformation will be spread.
Coronavirus 2021: Key Astrological Dates
Courtesy of @holistic_astrology
January 12: New Moon in Capricorn
Conjunct Pluto, this new moon provided a “fresh start” regarding each government’s approach to handling the pandemic. This sets the tone for the year ahead around healing through organized means.
January 30 – February 20: Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius
Despite the powerful stellium in Aquarius, confusion about vaccine rollouts and government plans to aid communities will occur and remain murky.
February 17: Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus
This is the defining aspect of 2021, as it will take place three times. This will be the strongest of the three because it is the only one where both planets are direct and operating at full force. This aspect speaks of inequality of resources not serving the greater good of the people. Friction, frustration, and stubbornness are guaranteed.
February 2021: Stellium in Aquarius
With many planets huddled together in this zodiac sign, a great deal of progress can be made on dissemination of vaccines and widespread coronavirus prevention. The new moon in Aquarius on February 11 is especially notable, as it will allow large communities to organize.
April 23 – June 11: Mars in Cancer
Whenever Mars soars across the sky, he acts like an open flame. A great deal of the pandemic’s explosion occurred due to conjunctions in Capricorn, and Mars will soon be opposing these exact degrees in Cancer. These periods will be significant turning points. Dates to watch are: May 30, when Mars is opposite the original Saturn/Pluto conjunction of 2020 (22 degrees); near June 1 to June 4, when Mars is opposite the original Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions of 2020 (23 – 25 degrees).
May 29 – June 22: Mercury Retrograde in Gemini
As another Mercury retrograde takes place, there goes the likelihood of confusion around organizations and vaccines. This one highlights local areas rather than entire nations.
June 14: Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus
The defining aspect of 2021 returns for a second time. This one will be slightly weaker as Saturn is retrograde. This aspect speaks of inequality of resources not serving the greater good of the people. Friction, frustration, and stubbornness are guaranteed.
June 24: Full Moon in Capricorn
This full moon ties to the new moon six months prior. This lunation likely speaks of great progress by governments finally clearing out the pandemic and allowing a semblance of normal structure to return.
July 23 & August 22: Full Moons in Aquarius
With two back-to-back full moons in Aquarius, the dissemination of the vaccines will further aid the world’s return to normalcy. It is quite likely by this point in time much of the world will have the pandemic under control.
September 27 to October 18: Mercury Retrograde in Libra
As another Mercury retrograde takes place (this one in Libra), and so does the likelihood of institutions and organizations having confusion about medical procedures.
December 24: Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus
The defining aspect of 2021 returns for a third and final time. This one will be slightly weaker as Uranus is retrograde. This aspect speaks of inequality of resources not serving the greater good of the people. Friction, frustration, and stubbornness are guaranteed.
Lead photo courtesy of Sam Moqadam; Unsplash
Written by Kyle Thomas, globally recognized pop culture astrologer