Sagittarius Couples Horoscope
Sagittarius, 2018 is a strong year for couples, especially for couples who want to work together and further one another's career and family relationships.
Jupiter spends most of 2018 in Scorpio, where emotions run deep but little of importance is confided or voluntarily explained. Your partner may sometimes wonder what is going on in your head, but there won't be any doubt about the sincerity in your heart.
All three Mercury retrogrades of 2018 are in fire signs, and this might impact you a bit more than your partner. Minor power struggles could arise in March and April. In August, daring options and exciting offers may tempt you less.
In November, when Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius, you may require more time to make decisions. When the retrograde ends, with Mercury in Scorpio in early December, love displays all its true, best colors.
In October and the first half of November, Venus is retrograde, first in Scorpio and ending in Libra. Relationship issues can be confronted and improved now.