Your Weekend Lovescope: What Will a Steamy Scorpio Full Moon Bring to Your Sign?

What does your future hold? Find out with a premium horoscope.
Aries Weekend Love Horoscope
This weekend’s magic: Venus in Gemini brings romantic excitement! Get out of the house and surround yourself with people. Flirt and have fun!
This weekend’s mystery: The moon opposes Mercury in Aries. There’s tension between what you think you want and what you really need to feel good. Close your eyes and focus on your heart. How does it feel? What does it long for?
This weekend’s mantra: I will honor my truth.
Passion Prediction:
Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope
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Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope
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Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope
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Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope
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Libra Weekend Love Horoscope
Passion Prediction:
Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope
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Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope
Passion Prediction:
Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope
Passion Prediction:
Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope
Passion Prediction:
Pisces Weekend Love Horoscope
Passion Prediction:
Virginia teaches you how to harness your intuitive powers, choose your most purposeful work, create nourishing boundaries, and attract your ideal partner. She utilizes tools and techniques acquired over years of working with energy, science, astrology, tarot, yoga, meditation, and more! She helps you remember just how free and powerful you really are. Are you ready for you most magical, meaningful life? Connect with Virginia now and discover more!
Read last week’s love horoscope here!
Read your March love horoscope here!
Manifest love in the new year with your exclusive 2018 horoscope.
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