Your Weekend Love Horoscope for March 23 to March 25: Don't Let Mercury Retrograde Drag You Down!

We all want to feel at home—in our lives, our relationships, and yes, in our actual, physical homes. This weekend’s Cancer moon and Vesta’s transit over the Galactic Center directs your attention toward your home.
Your home is the space where you live, the land you come from, and the thoughts, feelings, and people you are with every day. Whether you live with your partner or are just regularly thinking about your romantic situation, your love life plays a major role in creating your daily environment. It can add to your home or subtract from it. So be mindful about where you’re spending your energy and whom you’re spending it with.
Mercury is officially retrograde, and it wants you to evaluate the world you’re building. How are you thinking about things and people? How does this shape the home you’ve built?
While the Cancer moon draws your attention to your home, wellbeing, and committed relationships, Mars in Capricorn pushes you to focus on your career. It’s time to find that work/life balance, and pick your battles carefully. Aries plus Cancer can be a recipe for disaster.
Keep your moods in check, and don’t forget to think big picture and long term. Keep perspective to keep the peace.
What does your future hold? Find out with a premium horoscope.
Aries Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: It’s officially Aries season! Everything is lining up for you. This may not feel great at first, but your love life is connecting you to your true north. So don’t hesitate to turn to your lover for comfort and direction.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mercury is retrograde in Aries. Watch your words and let yourself slow down. This will be hard to accomplish right now, but you’ll find answers in the empty spaces in between doing things.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I don’t have to do everything right now.
Passion Prediction:
Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Venus trines the north node. Love leads you in the right direction, so trust that whatever’s happening is part of your path. Don’t let momentary unhappiness get you down.
This Weekend’s Mystery: The moon squares Venus. There’s an internal battle brewing inside you, but that’s about you, so don’t take it out on the people you love!
This Weekend’s Mantra: This is not the end.
Passion Prediction: ]
Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Friday’s Gemini moon helps you ease into Mercury in retrograde. Your thoughts may run a mile a minute to 100 different things, and that’s fine! The excitement will help you make sense of things. Don’t stress and just be.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mercury moves away from Venus, and you may find yourself reevaluating a romantic relationship. What choices have you made lately and how do they align with what you ultimately want? Stay true to what brings you joy—not anxiety.
This Weekend’s Mantra: True love won’t make you crazy.
Passion Prediction:
Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Saturday’s Cancer moon can give your love life a boost, but you have to let it. Try not to take things so personally, and instead, approach your lover with curiosity. Think less “why did you say that?!” and more “hmm, I wonder what made you say that.”
This Weekend’s Mystery: Sunday, the same moon, is going to be stressing you out! That’s the ebb and flow right? Part of being a Cancer? Sure, you feel your way through life, but how can you let this be a strength versus something that causes you to shut down and shut people out. Come out of your shell and open up.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Be direct.
Passion Prediction:
Leo Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Ceres is direct in your sign, and you’re learning a lot about how to truly take care of yourself! Make choices that fill you up from the inside out. As you do this, you inspire others to do the same and you attract lovers who know how to take care of themselves so you don’t have to.
This Weekend’s Mystery: The sun squares the moon and Mars. Eek! Things do not seem to be going your way. Everything is just harder than you thought it would be. Don’t throw yourself a pity party. Instead, ask yourself: what do I need to feel nourished right now? Go do that.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I’m here to nurture my wild nature.
Passion Prediction:
Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: On Friday, adventure brings out your romantic side. The moon inspires you to try new things. What’s new for you? Is it staying still or going and doing something? Do the opposite of your typical use of free time.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mercury asks you to find balance in your life. You’ll need this to make any partnership work. Take a step back and evaluate where you’re exerting energy. Is there actual time and space for love right now?
This Weekend’s Mantra: I’m the captain of my own ship.
Passion Prediction:
Libra Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Ambition reigns. Show yourself love by being your fierce, independent self. Venus creeps toward Uranus, and Aries’ fire motivates you to make moves toward your future and bae better be on board if you’re going to make it.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Aries opposes Libra. The emphasis right now is on YOU, but you’re usual focus is on creating harmony within your relationships. How does focusing on yourself change how you do things? This may get uncomfortable.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I have to empower myself so I can empower others.
Passion Prediction:
Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: A grand water trine on Sunday gives your intuition a power boost. You’re likely to have spiritual and emotional epiphanies. The more you let yourself play and be creative, the more joy will come through this.
This Weekend’s Mystery: You feel like things are slowing down and speeding up at the same time. This is actually happening. You are not going crazy. Aries = speed. Mercury and Jupiter in retrograde = slow down. How can you find some ground amongst all of this tension? Don’t add new things to the fire. Stick with what you know and get settled here.
This Weekend’s Mantra: “Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry. “ – Jack Kerouac
Passion Prediction: =
Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Jupiter sextiles Pluto and trines the moon. Your feelings are set on fire. Emotions are heightened. New depths are explored. You’re feeling things you’ve never felt before. Where’s this coming from? Take note, and if it’s a person, keep them close.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Friday’s Gemini moon makes you heady af. You can’t seem to turn off your inner monologue and anxiety spikes. Take a beat to calm down by getting your body moving – on your own or with someone you love.
This Weekend’s Mantra: My fear inspired me to be courageous.
Passion Prediction:
Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Pluto and Jupiter are ensuring that recent changes work in your favor. It may not feel like this. It may feel like life is completely messed up right now, but do not lose perspective. This is just a dot in a long timeline known as your life.
This Weekend’s Mystery: The Cancer moon challenges Mars in Capricorn. You’re split between work and home. How can you adjust your priorities to make more time for yourself and those you love? Because I know that despite all your grand ambitions, that’s really what matters most to you.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Place love first.
Passion Prediction:
Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Venus approaches Uranus, and love assumes a bigger role in your life. It may not happen right this second, but you’re about to experience a major shift in your love life. Maybe someone new, maybe an “I love you,” maybe a break up. Take this weekend to reflect and enjoy and check in with how you truly feel and what you want.
This Weekend’s Mystery: The Cancer moon makes you irritable, and you may get downright angry. Be honest with yourself. If you’re angry, be angry. This isn’t something you have to fix. It’s just something you have to feel.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I honor all my feelings.
Passion Prediction:
Pisces Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Neptune sextiles Mars. Your sex and work life are fueled by your dreams. Listen to any messages you receive while sleeping, and allow your feelings to lead the way!
This Weekend’s Mystery: The moon triggers you. Issues related to your home and creative expression are front and center. Don’t let love get in the way of taking care of yourself. Don’t put others before yourself.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I promise to put on my own oxygen mask first.
Passion Prediction:
Virginia teaches you how to harness your intuitive powers, choose your most purposeful work, create nourishing boundaries, and attract your ideal partner. She utilizes tools and techniques acquired over years of working with energy, science, astrology, tarot, yoga, meditation, and more! She helps you remember just how free and powerful you really are. Are you ready for you most magical, meaningful life? Connect with Virginia now and discover more!
Read last week’s love horoscope here!
Read your March love horoscope here!
Manifest love in the new year with your exclusive 2018 horoscope.
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