Weekend Love Horoscope for Friday March 16 to Sunday March 18: Will You Get Lucky This Weekend?

Hold on, lovers! This weekend is a big one. Mars just finished crossing the center of the galaxy. You’re being asked to get assertive, draw boundaries, and show up for yourself in new ways. You may also be recovering from some particularly painful events that happened during the week, but the universe doesn’t throw hard stuff at you without also lending a helping hand. And that’s exactly what it’s doing this Saturday as Mars moves into Capricorn on the Pisces new moon!
Mars rules passion and sexuality. What excites you? It’s time to follow that, and with Capricorn dominating, you’re inspired to go after your ambitions! You’ll be far too focused on your career to bother with romantic drama, so don’t be surprised if you start craving the stability and easy-access to sex that commitment provides.
And while Mars undergoes this big transformation, the Pisces new moon conjuncts Chiron. That makes this moon deeply healing. Seriously, whatever you’ve been clinging to, it’s time to let that shit go. And if you want to know specifically what this moon is healing, look to Mars, look to your sexuality, look to your big dreams, and find your courage.
You may be freaking out a bit this weekend, but that’s okay. Start a new cycle of standing up for yourself and going after what you want. Do the scary thing! Sunday’s Aries moon is going to help you with this.
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Aries Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: An Aries moon conjuncts Venus! Love becomes sexy and impulsive, and Mars in Capricorn grounds you and keeps you from going too crazy. In short, you’ll be just crazy enough to have a whole lot of fun without wreaking havoc, so enjoy!
This Weekend’s Mystery: Your ruler Mars is challenged by the Pisces new moon. You may need alone time on Saturday to allow for reflection and personal evolution. This is how you’ll heal.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I commit to living with courage and compassion.
Passion Prediction:
Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: The new moon brings healing in your relationships, especially your friendships. Community ties are strengthened, and as love grows there, it grows everywhere.
This Weekend’s Mystery: The moon conjuncts Venus in Aries. You may get a big confidence boost and feel more passionate, but remember that passions flare. Irritability races easily to anger. So watch out for picking fights, and slow down before you speak.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I will speak lovingly.
Passion Prediction:
Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Look ahead. Mars and Mercury keep you focused on your karmic journey and long term plans. Use this new moon to do some vision work. Where do you want to be in 5 years? 10 years? Whom are you with? Set the intention to manifest those dreams!
This Weekend’s Mystery: Pluto challenges your love life. Give yourself solo time rather than trying to push through any romantic difficulties. Do this even if you’re in a committed relationship. Take yourself on a solo retreat (even if it’s a walk around the block). Focus on what you want.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Life is long. Plan for the future!
Passion Prediction:
Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: The Pisces moon passes the marriage asteroid Friday before Saturday’s new moon. And because you are even more connected to the moon than everyone else, this is a powerful time for taking the leap toward greater commitment!
This Weekend’s Mystery: Sunday’s Aries moon puts fire in your belly. It’s time to get something started! But you may not know what. This can leave you feeling restless—even in love.
This Weekend’s Mantra: No more waiting. Time to plan for the future.
Passion Prediction:
Leo Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: This new moon isn’t just an emotional reset. It’s an identity reset. You’re healing deep parts of who you are. Old parts. Soul parts. Past life parts (thanks, Pisces!). And the more you heal, the more space you make for love.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars is still challenging you. You’re processing big lessons, getting to know your true passions, and feeling increasingly ready to share it all with the world. You won’t need a partner to accomplish any of this, but if romance is in your life, you better make sure it can keep up with where you’re headed!
This Weekend’s Mantra: I’m made of star stuff. I’m shining bright.
Passion Prediction:
Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Saturday’s new moon brings deep healing to all of your close one-on-one relationships, which of course includes romance. Now is the time to forgive, let go, and move toward your most nurturing relationship yet. Set the intention to invite that into your life now.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Sunday’s Aries moon gives your love life a boost, but it also makes you temperamental. Remember the lessons from the new moon, and keep your rage at bay.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I’m ready to start fresh.
Passion Prediction:
Libra Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Bring love into your life by reconnecting with your inner child! For you, this new moon is healing your creative energy and your connection to romance, play, and children. So let yourself get silly. Let your harmonious shell crack a bit so your light can shine through.
This Weekend’s Mystery: So much fire this weekend! There’s the potential for great sex, and this energy is specifically incredible for baby-making, which is awesome if you’re trying to conceive, but if you’re not, make sure to use protection! And just generally, take special care of your energy so you don’t burn out.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Take life by the reigns!
Passion Prediction:
Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Jupiter in Scorpio connects with the new moon. You. Are. Expanding. You’re learning to let yourself be big and show up with everything you have to offer. This may piss some people off, but it’ll also attract the people who truly love you.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars challenges the moon. You have to break old habits to establish new ones. You’re likely undergoing a major change right now. You know it’s for the best, but it is not easy! Trust that you will be rewarded.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I’ve gotten myself this far, and I can go the rest of the way.
Passion Prediction:
Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: The Pisces new moon brings spiritual epiphanies and nostalgic dreams. Give yourself a mini at-home retreat. Meditate, take a bath, create a ritual for yourself. These acts of self love are supporting romantic love.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars leaves your sign for Capricorn. You may feel this shift almost instantly. One day you’re dreaming about traveling and love affairs. The next you know you need to buckle down. These moods aren’t random. They’re part of the plan.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I love what I am and what I’m thinking of my life.
Passion Prediction:
Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Mars moves into Capricorn, and this gives you a big power boost! You’ll be able to accomplish everything you want in the weeks to come, so on Saturday’s new moon, set the intention to do just that, and be clear on what you want. That’s what you’ll receive.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Saturn wants you to slow down. Don’t get sucked into Aries’ impulsive ways. Think things through. Tame your temper or love will suffer. Be methodical to get what you want.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Go big or go home.
Passion Prediction:
Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: The Pisces new moon deepens your spiritual awareness, which in turn, heals your approach to love and money. How have superficial desires motivated your choices? What do you really need in life to be happy? Set the intention to give yourself whatever that truly is.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Don’t forget – you are undergoing a massive transformation, and you likely won’t know where you’re going until the end of April. Don’t get caught up in the minor wins and losses. That’s all just noise. Keep your sights on the end goal—happiness—and have patience.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I rest peacefully in uncertainty.
Passion Prediction:
Pisces Weekend Love Horoscope
This Weekend’s Magic: Make a wish! This weekend’s new moon in Pisces means it will likely come true. Do you want everlasting love? Ask for it! Do you want to mend a broken heart? Ask for it! Seriously, whatever you want – ask for it. Just remember to keep your wishes positive to keep them from causing anyone harm.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars challenges the moon and all activity comes to a screeching halt. This is not the time for date nights and wild sex. Give yourself plenty of time to feel and process this moon so you can work your magic!
This Weekend’s Mantra: I am supported and blessed.
Passion Prediction:
Virginia teaches you how to harness your intuitive powers, choose your most purposeful work, create nourishing boundaries, and attract your ideal partner. She utilizes tools and techniques acquired over years of working with energy, science, astrology, tarot, yoga, meditation, and more! She helps you remember just how free and powerful you really are. Are you ready for you most magical, meaningful life? Connect with Virginia now and discover more!
Read last week’s love horoscope here!
Read your March love horoscope here!
Manifest love in the new year with your exclusive 2018 horoscope.
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