Your Weekend Love Horoscope for Friday December 15 to Sunday December 17: Time to Overcome Obstacles and Third Wheels

By Virginia Mason

On December 15, 2017

In Aspect, Date, Sex

Your Weekend Love Horoscope for Friday December 15 to Sunday December 17: Time to Overcome Obstacles and Third Wheels

A Sagittarius new moon is preparing to rise over the center of our galaxy. We are experiencing a huge emotional reset – personally and collectively. And this weekend, you are being asked to reconcile your love life with what you’re meant to do. Expect true love to grow stronger, and going-nowhere relationships to face their end. Four of the five personal planets are all in Sagittarius, focusing your energy, and making way for incredible growth. It’s time to start making major moves in the direction of what you really want. But with Neptune and Chiron squaring Sagittarius, you will have to overcome obstacles to get there. So when you face something hard, remind yourself to just keep going and get through it. The end of 2017 is going out with a “yes!”

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

Aries Weekend Love Horoscope
Space has opened up all around you. You feel free to be all that you are. You are more deeply connected to your feelings, and you’re able to let them lead you forward. They’re also leading you through some incredible passion. Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune, and sex helps you connect even more to your spiritual side. You can’t just push through things for you and you alone. You feel increasingly compassionate, and you realize how being partnered doesn’t mean sacrificing what you want. You realize that if you’re going to choose what makes the most sense for you, then part of that choice is considering the person you love. With someone special by your side, you’re able to explore and grow beyond what you ever imagined.
Love Lesson: When you see life’s bigger picture, you’re more peaceful in love.

Passion Prediction:                       
Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope
Venus, Uranus, and the karmic north node are connecting through fire, but you’re all Earth. And having this much fire running through your ruling planet makes you anxious and causes you to misinterpret reality. Fire asks you to create and destroy and get moving, but your earthy nature longs for stillness, stability, and simple material pleasure. Do what you can to keep yourself connected to the earth – cook, clean, get outside – but also just trust that all of this movement swirling around you is not a threat. The change you are experiencing is good for you. You may be moving forward with your lover – either by parting ways or by taking the next step together. Either change makes you feel nostalgic for what was, even before it’s behind you. Stay present.

Love Lesson:  Appreciate every single little moment you have with someone you love.
Passion Prediction:                     

Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope
Venus conjuncts Mercury, and the moon crosses over top of them both. This is a beautiful time for romance. Your communication fuels affection and is true to your emotions. If you’re partnered, this is a great time to share any struggles you’ve been having and anything that you want to talk about. Your message will clearly come from a place of love. If you’re single, this is a great time to meet someone new! The Sagittarius energy supports expansion and meeting new people, and with your ruling planet conjuncting Venus, it’s especially good for you. The one challenge with this aspect is that if you don’t feel optimistic, you could easily become consumed with concerns about your love life. Trust that there is great love in your future. It’s all fated. Every couple’s chart I see shows how the stars aligned to bring them together. Have faith.

Love Lesson: You will receive the love you believe in.

Passion Prediction:                      
Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope
The moon crosses over Venus, and Neptune trines Mars in Scorpio. Everything is aligned for love this weekend, but I suspect you’ll prefer to keep things low key. You’ll feel like a massive, beautiful seed is being planted in your soul. Love surrounds you to nourish this, but the planting process may make you want to rest. That’s because it involves clearing out old gunk that your soul no longer needs, and with your sensitive nature, you may become irritable and snappy if pushed to do more than you want to do. That said, the Sagittarius moon suggests you may be in the mood for an adventure – perhaps even one with your lover – but keep it simple. Allow it to unfold as a beautiful, spontaneous adventure with a lot of space to roam and relax.

Love Lesson: Find someone who helps you make space for relaxation.

Passion Prediction:      
Leo Weekend Love Horoscope
The sun, Mercury, Venus, and the moon trine the karmic north node in Leo. This weekend is all about expanding toward your purpose. Forget what you’re supposed to do. Get in touch with what you’re meant to do. And this includes what kind of relationship you’re meant to have. It’s easy to say that you aren’t sure what you want, so you’re just going to keep going with whatever comes your way and see how it plays out. There’s a lot of learning that comes from this attitude, but this is rarely how you find committed love. Part of not knowing what you want in a partner is that you don’t know what you really want for yourself. You don’t know what life you want or the kind of love you deserve. You may think you know, but love isn’t about thinking. It’s about feeling. It’s time to feel deep down inside just how much you are worth.

Love Lesson: You are worth the greatest love you ever imagined.
Passion Prediction:            
Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope
Mercury starts the weekend in the exact same spot as Venus. This gives you a powerful love boost, but remember that Mercury is retrograde, and as the weekend progresses, it moves farther away from Venus. Now is when you’ll learn a powerful lesson about how you’ve been approaching love. You may make a major decision about what you want or generally have an epiphany. But take it with a grain of salt. While the energy is great for growing and learning, the cycle is long, and you’re not at the end yet. Whatever you think you realize now, you may disagree with in a week. But nothing is set in stone. This may be the big retrograde lesson that sticks. So make note of the lesson, but don’t book a plane ride to go visit that distant lover. Let yourself sit with this one to make sure it’s really what you want.

Love Lesson: Nothing good gets away.

Passion Prediction:          
Libra Weekend Love Horoscope
The sun is torn between Venus and Saturn, and your love life becomes essential to your identity. If you’ve been delaying romance, it’s time to shift your priorities. Love is key to this next stage of your life. But remember, you have to water the seeds you plant if you want them to grow. You water them by practicing what you preach. It’s not enough to say you want love and then stay in every night by your lonesome or stay at your desk working long hours. You have to put yourself out there, and if that scares the hell out of you – if you fear rejection more than anything – then you need to set this intention: I am worthy, and I am committed to finding the love I want.

Love Lesson: Commit to loving yourself to commit to true love.

Passion Prediction:                  
Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope
Neptune in Pisces supports Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio while challenging Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius. Your Scorpio energy brings sweet relief to all love affairs. The more you can lean into your intuition and sexy, Scorpio ways, the better you’ll feel. Fully step into your power and walk with confidence and authority. You are who you are. Let your spiritual wisdom lead the way toward abundance in every area of your life, including love. Your sensuality is healing for all your love woes. Trust your impulse to show affection, and trust that you are making the right choices in your relationships. Your internal compass is holding steady on true north. You will not lead yourself astray, and you can help guide others – including your lover – to where they’re meant to be.
Love Lesson: Trust yourself and take big leaps toward great love.

Passion Prediction:             
Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope
Sigh. Breathe. You will make it through this. The sun, Venus, Mercury, and Saturn are all in Sagittarius with the new moon rising over head. This can bring incredible fortune your way, but the concentration of energy can also be intense and overwhelming. Having so many planets in your sign means that you and the universe are aligned, and the new moon is initiating a new cycle for you – one that embodies this alignment. However, the process of becoming aligned might hurt a bit. You’ve been swaddling yourself in unnecessary delusions and old hurts, and the security blanket is being thrown away. Don’t resist. Welcome it. Say out loud: “I am ready to live my life in alignment with my highest purpose. I am ready. I am ready. I am ready.” Also, I have a feeling that old love isn’t over yet.

Love Lesson: Some soulmates are lovers, but some are partners.

Passion Prediction   
Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope 
Saturn straddles the line between you and Sagittarius, and on Tuesday, it will officially have landed in Capricorn. Saturn is your ruler. It is at home with you, and you are busy nesting for it. You are getting all of your affairs in order – your work, your home, your love life. You want to be as ready as possible to receive all of Saturn’s lessons and gifts. This new moon time is a chance for final exploration. Understand exactly where you are and be honest with yourself. Pour yourself a solid foundation. That way, when Saturn moves in, you’ll be ready to do what you do best – climb, climb, climb. Saturn will propel you toward everything you want. Your attention is focusing. You have no patience for projects and people who don’t support your ambitions. Your sights are set on true love and marriage.

Love Lesson: Love is a practice. If your attention drifts, recommit.

Passion Prediction:       
Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope 
Uranus trines the sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and the moon in Sagittarius. Your independence anchors you to your growth. This prevents you from feeling the same growing pains others are experiencing. You can see clearly where you’re going, and your eternal commitment to yourself means that you haven’t strayed too far from your path. As a result, you don’t have to let go of much to move through this transition. Look around you. Look at your lover. You have chosen all of this. You’ve chosen it because it nourishes you and is giving you what you want. Be grateful and take some time on Sunday to set your intention for the next major choice you are facing. What do you want to take with you? Where do you want to go? Trust yourself.

Love Lesson: Tell your lover about your plans.

Passion Prediction:             
Pisces  Weekend Love Horoscope 
Your energy is the major force challenging all of the planets in Sagittarius and this new moon. Stay grounded in your spiritual truths. Don’t let the shifting energies around you sweep you away and make you doubt yourself. You’re prone to uncertainty, and when it comes to love, this can result in doing something you later regret. Move through this weekend by embracing what you and Sagittarius have in common – your flexible, open minds. You are comfortable with change, so just accept and embrace that things are changing. Give yourself as much alone time to process these changes as you need. You can feel everyone’s souls transforming around you, and while the change is welcome, the process is destabilizing. Your lover likely won’t be able to be your rock right now. You have to find this grounding in yourself. So go find it.

Love Lesson: Every relationship experiences growing pains.

Passion Prediction:   

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

Virginia is a Brooklyn-based Reiki Master and psychic healer dedicated to expanding people’s understanding of what’s possible. She offers private readings, coaching, healing, and more through her company, Fleeting Connections. Follow her @fleetingconnections on IG! ???????

Read your December horoscope here. 

Manifest love in the new year with your exclusive 2018 horoscope. 

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