How to Survive the Holidays Based on Your Zodiac Sign

This is a post written by Have a difficult question, situation, or concern? The psychics at Keen can help you find clarity and answers. Find them online at or call 800-357-5336. Here, they share what to look forward to—and watch out for—this holiday season based on Zodiac sign. — editors.
Feeling oh-so-merry or bah humbug? No matter where on the spectrum you fall, the stars have something to do with how you’re feeling during this time of year. The location of the planets in the zodiac always have an impact on how well you handle the holidays. Each sign reacts differently to these planetary shifts. You might have had a great time with your family on Thanksgiving, but only a month later may have a terrible get-together with the same group— it’s not you… it’s just Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius! Understanding what zodiacs planets are occupying can help you survive this year’s holiday season.
Find out what’s in store for you with an accurate psychic reading!
Perhaps the biggest change in the stars this season occurred at the top of the month, when the super moon in Gemini and Mercury entered retrograde on the 3rd. The super moon brings elevated energy and power surrounding the attributes associated with Gemini, such as intellect, creativity, and communication. Additionally, Gemini’s ruling planet is Mercury, and as it moves through retrograde until the 23rd, you will feel a pull between the desire to take advantage of the energetic momentum in the air and the need to slow down and reevaluate things. This could make the holiday rush feel overwhelming, when in reality you’re completely in control.
Feel in control of your energy this holiday season with this Zodiac Holiday Survival Guide below!
Need some insight into your holidays? A psychic reading can help.
Aries Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: Early December sees company parties and drinks with old friends the most satisfying way to get into the holiday spirit.
Best Gift Opportunities: Holiday sales are your best bet. Get it all over with early!
Holiday Avoidance: Meeting new people after December 19 will cramp your style.
Taurus Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: Thanksgiving was best for family events while too many parties to count could make December a whirlwind. Keep to a New Year’s Eve tradition if possible.
Best Gift Opportunities: The after-Christmas sales will be too good to pass up.
Holiday Avoidance: High expectations from your boss at work put a damper on the festivities.
Gemini Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: Spend time with a partner’s friends and family earlier in December. Your closest acquaintances can wait until just about Christmas Eve.
Best Gift Opportunities: The half of December delivers some perfect discoveries, be conscious of an unexpected find.
Holiday Avoidance: Ignore the trendy places and stick to old haunts for your New Year’s revelry.
Cancer Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: You will be at your best during the middle two weeks of December. You might feel a bit of a burnout close to Christmas. Look for a revitalized New Year’s Day.
Best Gift Opportunities: Anytime! If you have a secret recipe for holiday snacks, make a bunch — people will appreciate the immediate treat and thoughtfulness.
Holiday Avoidance: Expect a partner’s drama right around Christmas.
Leo Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: Too much too soon will wear you down with a whole week left before Christmas. Get some rest in early December and pace yourself.
Best Gift Opportunities: ‘Tis the season for gift cards and cash, don’t waste your energy at the mall.
Holiday Avoidance: If you take some days off work this month, you might make it through the holiday season unscathed.
Virgo Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: If the work-related parties clash with a reunion of old friends, don’t try to do both. Pick the one you will most enjoy. Family time is warm and inviting.
Best Gift Opportunities: Shop around the middle of December and you will find bargains that will be appreciated.
Holiday Avoidance: Stay away from career networking after Christmas and especially around New Year’s festivities.
Virgo Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: If the work-related parties clash with a reunion of old friends, don’t try to do both. Pick the one you will most enjoy. Family time is warm and inviting.
Best Gift Opportunities: Shop around the middle of December and you will find bargains that will be appreciated.
Holiday Avoidance: Stay away from career networking after Christmas and especially around New Year’s festivities.
Libra Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: Throughout the holidays you might want to avoid sentimental gatherings as you are filled with an energy that is moving to the future with confidence.
Best Gift Opportunities: Bigger is better. This year is all about the grand gesture.
Holiday Avoidance: Make reservations now, as last minute plans will not pan out.
Scorpio Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: You might have to make family visits quick and superficial. The presence of some real chances for career networking will be the story of the season.
Best Gift Opportunities: A special someone deserves most of your attention, and you have mid-December opportunities to make this person happy.
Holiday Avoidance: Don’t overload your schedule. Party hopping can lead to stress.
Sagittarius Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: A trip, or series of parties, in early December will be less hectic than events around a specific holiday; they will bring more cheer as well.
Best Gift Opportunities: Wait until the Winter Solstice (December 21) and then hit the mall!
Holiday Avoidance:Avoid getting too tipsy as you will be expected to behave responsibly.
Capricorn Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: The chance to take in a variety of new experiences makes this a holiday season to seize and savor.
Best Gift Opportunities:Treating friends and family to a New Year’s Day festivity will be more memorable than any bauble you could wrap.
Holiday Avoidance:Those familiar places will suddenly be somewhat dull and seem constricting.
Aquarius Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: Christmas week will be filled with a month’s worth of memories — be sure to have a backup camera battery and extra memory card (or film if you are keeping it old school).
Best Gift Opportunities: The first Christmas sales will bring out your instinct and impulse buys will be a success.
Holiday Avoidance: Why bother hassling with neighborhood functions attended by people you really don’t care for? Stick with the ones that you love.
Pisces Holiday Horoscope
Best Socializing: Expect the unexpected and you will have a happy holiday season.
Best Gift Opportunities: Opening your door is almost enough, but stock up on the comfort foods and quick, simple recipes as you may be entertaining beyond what you ever imagined.
Holiday Avoidance: Seeing the same people too many times may be a drain, familiarity breeds contempt, even during the most wonderful time of the year.
Rock your holiday season with these Zodiac inspired tips!
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How to Stop Mercury in Retrograde from Ruining Your Holidays
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