Your Horoscope for Monday October 16: To Manifest What You Want, You First Have to Dream

Whatever you did this weekend (and we know it was wild, Scorpios!) today is the day to get everything back on track and where it should be. With the moon in detail-oriented Virgo, all signs are feeling a surge of productivity to get sh*t done, making today pretty painless, as far as a Monday goes. No wild moves—today is slow, steady, productive, and one of those days you can get ahead, which is so key, especially as the passionate, intense vibes of Scorpio, which moves into the sun next week, are already being felt by certain Zodiac signs this week. For now, shore things up, and know that things will get wild, crazy, and fun in the future.
You get lucky in October. Find out more with your premium October horoscope!.
Aries Daily Horoscope
While everyone around you is talking about their productivity hacks, you may feel like you’re missing out, or like you need to add more order to your life. Nope! You do you, Archers! Today, you’re going to cover a lot of ground simply by your charm, but trying to stick to a schedule or be someone you’re not will only backfire. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, focus on amplifying your strengths.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
Someone from the past is dragging you down today, Bulls. It may not be anything that person is actually doing—no accusations, please!—but the old energy of a past partnership, job, or relationship is getting in the way of the moves you want to make today. Your course of action? Let it go. On a piece of paper, write down the person’s name in pencil, write yours in ink, and then put the paper in a safe place—it’s not harmful, you’re just reminding the universe that you need to focus your energy on you.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
You want something new, right, Gemini? You’re feeling restless and uncertain about the things going on in your life. A big change is in the horizon, but for today, the stirrings you feel are simply a sign that when change comes, although it will be sad, you’ll be ready. For now, shore up your connections to friends and family. Your network is everything.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
With responsible Saturn in your sector of routine and the sun in your home sector, today’s a day to tune into what your home needs. For you, your home is your heart, and if you’ve been neglecting it for awhile because of your schedule, you’re going to feel it. Cleaning up and restoring order may seem like a small task, but it’ll do wonders for your mood.
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Leo Daily Horoscope
You’re both in love with and conflicted by your routine today, Lions. On one hand, you’re on top right now, with respect and accolades coming your way. On the other hand, you’re feeling constrained by rules and expectations. The result: A lot of frustration. For today, while you may be tempted to make major changes, consider the good in routine. There’s a lot of comfort to it, and the more you lean in, the more satisfied you’ll feel.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
With the moon in your sign, you’re feeling a lot more emotional turmoil than other signs, Virgo. While it’s a good thing to pay attention to your emotional needs, don’t allow them in the driver’s seat today, as that could be a distraction. Practical and cool—the Virgo way—is the best way to sail through the day and emerge on top.
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Libra Daily Horoscope
Libra is all about playing well with others, but today, you just may not be feeling it. Whether it’s a friend or colleague, you’re butting heads and feeling frustrated. Take a step back. Pushing buttons won’t solve the issue, and some space for both of you will give you the best perspective to tackle the issue later.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You’re all about forging ahead and making plans today, Scorpio, but some niggling issues in the back of your brain are holding you back. They won’t go away without action, so taking the time to address them this week will pay off so you have a free and clear birthday month to look forward to!
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Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
A Sun-Saturn connection gives you the energy and concentration you need to get things done today, Sags—or would if your phone didn’t keep blowing up with texts. Some personal drama, likely only tangential to you, is unfolding, and you’re getting sucked into it. To avoid it being even more of a time suck, repeat after us: I’m busy right now. Will handle this tomorrow. Seriously, the more you stay focused on your own things, the better you’ll be.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Today is a golden day for work, and Caps are working it. Your reputation has preceded you, and people are coming from all over asking for advice, and may even be feeling you out for a job lead. Bask in the adoration, but know you don’t have to many any concrete next steps just yet.
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Aquarius Daily Horoscope
You had a creative, strong weekend and the trend continues today. You may find yourself thinking about a passion project you would love to take on, or start seriously thinking about starting a business. Enjoy allowing your mind to run with this idea—this week is a great one to actually get your dreams off the ground!
Pisces Daily Horoscope
Today is a great day to have that scary conversation with a boss or coworker. Your chart is in a spot where the universe is admiring you, and bringing up a difficult question or topic will only make you seem more responsible and on top of things. Your instincts are totally on track today, Pisces: Follow them to see where they lead.
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