Your Daily Horoscope for Saturday, December 16: What does a Sagittarius Moon Have in Store for You?

The moon in Sagittarius encourages all of us to get more adventurous, think outside the box, and go deeper and further than we ever have before. A semi-square between Venus and Mars encourages competition, but it’s the type of competition that only makes you better in the long run. You may feel like you’re under the gun to get things done, but there’s nothing like pressure and jam-packed days to truly make the day memorable. Today can be a magical day, if you play your cards right. Here, what else to expect in your daily horoscope for Saturday, December 16.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
You’re such a perfectionist, Aries, and today, you’re focused on what didn’t work out. It’s as if you have a personal “year in review” playing in repeat on your mind. All of us could have done things differently, but know you did the best you could with the tools you had at the time. Dive into your daily life. A party perks everything up.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
You’re thinking big when it comes to money, but it pays to do your research before you make any risky or major investing moves. You may feel pressured to join the digital currency craze, but hold off and take it slow and steady.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
Your health takes center stage today. You’ve been burning the candle on both ends, and you may be feeling run down and exhausted. Don’t push yourself. If you don’t feel good, don’t try to go to holiday parties tonight. There will still be plenty of time to celebrate, promise!
Cancer Daily Horoscope
You’ve been taking on a lot of other people’s emotions, and while you’re an amazing listener, don’t forget that you need someone to listen to you sometimes, too. Today is a day to truly reach out and allow other people to listen to your needs.
Leo Daily Horoscope
Stress erupts today, most likely involving money. It’s up to you to figure out how to handle the situation—there is a path forward, but you need to trust yourself. You have to be proactive, not reactive, in order to succeed.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
You’re getting a ton of requests for the holidays, all of which are causing your stress level to tick upward. Remember: No is a full sentence. Asking relatives to consider staying in a hotel isn’t the end of the world, and may save your sanity.
Libra Daily Horoscope
Conflicts arise today, and it’s time to (finally!) let your opinion be known. You sometimes stand back and play the peace keeper, but you have some serious opinions—today is the day to make them known.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Pay attention to your health, Scorpio—feeling exhausted and run down isn’t “normal,” and if you haven’t had a checkup, it’s a good time to get one on the calendar. Today is a great day for recharging your mental and physical batteries, and cuddling on the couch could be just about perfect.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
With the moon in your sign, you may be feeling nostalgic and like things could have gone differently this past year. Get out of your mood by planning a trip, adventure, or party. Sags perform best when looking ahead.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
You’re involved in plans, but it’s time to look at all the details—big picture is great, but the details will bring you down if you haven’t checked them? Hosting a party? Appoint a point person (who’s not you!) to make sure everything runs smoothly as possible.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
Everyone around you is dealing with drama, and you’ve had enough Aquarius! Today is the day to focus on you. You may find solo time is exactly what you need. Sometimes, party of one is the best type of party.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
Mercury retrograde is still swirling around your sign, and a miscommunication may come up between you and someone you love. It’s time to take it off text and have an IRL discussion—you may find that you and your partner or date aren’t on the same page when it comes to jokes or senses of humor.
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