Weekly Horoscope: November 15-21, 2021

By Horoscope.com

On November 14, 2021

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: November 15-21, 2021

We can expect a little tension in this week’s astro-forecast as the sun in Scorpio squares Jupiter (planet of expansion) in Aquarius, making things a little topsy-turvy where the expression of the ego is concerned. The collective’s actions tend toward extremes — so beware of excessive emotional displays or even spending depending on which sectors this transit falls into for you. 

Unfortunately, this strong energy does not let up throughout the week. If anything, it ramps up as we approach Friday and the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus. Potent (and even a little chaotic) vibes are in the air, as such astronomical occurrences are harbingers of powerful beginnings and endings. Since this one is occurring on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, this lunar eclipse will revolve around questions concerning our values and approach to intimacy. 

The last Taurus lunar eclipse occurred in late October 2004. So, if you were cognizant then, think back to that time. The events that came to pass then may offer some hints as to how things may play out this Friday. Big things are afoot, and you’d do well to be prepared!

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


You can be a little impulsive, Aries. We know this and (mostly) love you for it. While you may continue traipse about and fall into trouble elsewhere in your life, it’s high time that you start taking your finances more seriously. This Friday’s Taurus lunar eclipse falls into your values and finance zone. Given the powerful nature of this astronomical event, this bit of financial advice may feel less advising and more commanding. Temper your defensive nature and listen for once! Your wallet will thank you later.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


It’s gearing up to be a big week for you, Taurus! All the energy that’s been sitting in your romance sector will finally find a bit of in Friday’s full moon lunar eclipse in your sign. To make matters more interesting, this full moon lands smack dab in your appearances sector. Have you been contemplating an aesthetic overhaul? While now may not be the best time to put those contemplations into action, you might consider this the start of something new.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


Emotional rumination generally isn’t the Gemini way. You guys a flighty bunch and prefer not to let heavier emotions weigh y’all down, and that’s understandable. However, Friday’s Taurus lunar eclipse may not leave much choice in the matter. This full moon lands in your unconscious zone, so you may be feeling more reserved than your usual boisterous self. Rather than fighting uselessly against the full moon’s waves, take this time to reflect and immerse yourself in any difficult emotions. You may find the key to something that’s been bothering you for some time. 

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Sweet Cancer, always considering the wellbeing of your loved ones. This week is no different, particularly with the Taurus lunar eclipse dipping into your network and friendship sector. A friend in need is a friend indeed. You may find that your friendships require a little more tending while the full moon is in Taurus. As you do so, take time to take a good look at these relationships and decide which — if any — need a little more watering. A little effort goes a long way.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


This Friday’s Taurus lunar eclipse may be brewing big things for you on the career front, Leo. Will this be the week that you get that promotion? Or perhaps that raise you’ve been angling for? With such potent energy in the air, it’s bound to be something big! But as you wait out Friday’s blessings, take care not to fall victim to Monday’s sun-Jupiter square. Situations on the home and romantic fronts may seem a little overblown. Fortunately, any spats should blow over by the weekend.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


What’s been brewing in that beautiful mind of yours, Virgo? The Scorpionic energy of the last few weeks has put a lot of emphasis on your communications and thought processes. However, Friday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus offers a reprieve from all the chatter, allowing you to focus on broader pursuits like travel or even your education. This full moon may find you toying with the idea of taking a trip, taking up a class, or changing your major if you’re in school.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Over the last few weeks, your hands (and attention) have been placed firmly on your wallet, Libra. Hopefully, you’ve taken advantage of the opportunities to build your wealth because Monday’s sun-Jupiter square throws a bit of a wrench in your plans. Whereas money may have flowed over the last few weeks, the well may appear to be drying up this week, so be sure to practice a little more financial management. 

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Emotions may run high this week, Scorpio. Both the sun and Mars in your sign are making uncomfortable connections with outer planets in your family and romance sectors this week, respectively. So, you can expect some shakeups in the realm of your close relationships seemingly out of nowhere. Patience may not be a Scorpionic virtue, but try to have a little patience with your loved ones. By next week, these disagreements will only be a memory.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


While you usually maintain good vibes, this week may see uncomfortable feelings trying to bubble up to the surface, Sagittarius. Scorpionic energy is transformational in nature, and multiple planets in that sign have been mucking about in your unconscious sector, inspiring some inner work. With the Scorpio sun squaring Jupiter and Scorpio Mars opposing Uranus, this internal rumbling may rear its head in a harsh way where your values and routines are concerned. 

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You more than anyone know that it isn’t what you know but who you know, Capricorn. Over the last few weeks, you’ve probably been flitting about and making powerful allies, but this week may present a slowdown of this networking train. Monday, in particular, sees a conflict between your network and values with the sun in Scorpio squaring Jupiter in Aquarius. Do these connections that you’ve been making align with your personal beliefs? If not, now could be the time for a little culling.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


The productivity train slows down a little this week, Aquarius. On Monday when the sun in Scorpio squares Jupiter in your sign, you may begin to feel a bit like you’re trudging through molasses where work is concerned. Paired with the sun-Pluto sextile via your career and unconscious sectors, few things will come easily for you this week, so prepare to roll up your sleeves and get to work! 

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Scorpio season has seen you taking a broad-minded approach to life, Pisces. Perhaps you’ve taken a trip or two. Or read a few mind-blowing books. Either way, you’ve probably been exploring new horizons and going on adventures. This, of course, will continue with the wealth of planets in Scorpio, but Friday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus asks that you come back down to earth a little to reflect on your communication. This week with the potent eclipse energy, it’s possible that a few choice words may change for the better! 

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photos Courtesy of Tom Fisk and Brett Sayles on Pexels.

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