Weekly Horoscope: May 29 to June 4, 2022

By Horoscope.com

On May 29, 2022

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: May 29 to June 4, 2022

Monday sets the pace for the week, with a new moon in clever Gemini. The creative juices are flowing, but don’t get lost in the wave! The sign of the Twins is known to get ahead of itself, and Mercury doesn’t leave retrograde until the end of the week.

Everyone deserves a little R&R after a retrograde like that, but take care not to overindulge. That retrograde shadow period can catch you off guard, so consider delaying any serious plans for another week and a half if you can. However, we’re not quite out of the woods yet!

On the day after Mercury’s escape from the retrograde’s clutches, Saturn (planet of restriction) in Aquarius takes its place. Unlike Mercury, the karma planet’s retrograde isn’t short and (semi)sweet. We can expect four-and-a-half months of retrograde motion, forcing the collective to review lessons learned, boundaries established, and responsibilities taken on over the last year. Heed the universe’s teachings before you’re given more come the end of Saturn’s backward motion.

Courtesy of Oleg Prachuk on Pexels.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


What’s been brewing in that mind of yours, Aries? The retrograde energy of the last few weeks has put a lot of stress on your communications and finances. Fortunately, the retrograde’s end and the new moon energy offers a reprieve from all the difficulties, allowing you to get your head on a little straighter and get to work!

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


With both your season and retrograde Mercury in your sign in the (very) recent past, your wallet may not be in tip-top shape, Taurus. After all, luxury isn’t cheap! Fortunately, the present astro-weather supports financially-savvy undertakings. Perhaps it’s a new savings account or even just cutting down spending? In any case, you’re sure to benefit.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


You can heave a sigh of relief this week, Gemini. It opens with a friendly new moon in your sign. But what’s more, your ruling planet, Mercury, is no longer retrograde. Life may have been a bit tumultuous over the last few weeks, causing discord and general confusion in your conversations. Now, feel free to kick back and relax in the rays of your season!

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


For you more than any sign, contemplation has been a major theme over the last few weeks, Cancer. Fortunately, with the new moon bursting forth on Monday, clarity will be in reach. Don’t let your thoughtfulness become rumination.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


You can be a little set in your ways, Leo. But with the new moon in Gemini and your habit zone on Monday, you’re being encouraged to shake things up a bit. What’s lacking in your day-to-day? You don’t need to wait until the New Year to dispose of your bad habits.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Fresh professional opportunities are on the horizon, Virgo. With Mercury’s return to direct motion and the new moon’s dip into your career zone, the tide will begin to turn on your work life. So, use this week to deliver that presentation or send in that application you’ve been meaning to, as the odds are in your favor.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Summer’s just around the corner, Libra.. Are your vacay plans all set? With the new moon in Gemini leaping into your adventure zone, you’re probably aching for a change of scenery or at least some time dig into a new book or subject. The season calls for a change of pace.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Get ready to go deep, Scorpio — again. The new moon arrives in your transformation zone. Now, you’re no novice in dealing with change and heavier emotions, but rest assured that shedding your skin will come easier this time around. A fresh start awaits; get out of your own way.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You’re far from romantic, Sagittarius. In fact, other signs might say you’re a bit of a player, but this Monday’s new moon falls in your partnership zone. So, you may be feeling a little more open to romance. No one’s telling you to settle down, but a summer fling wouldn’t be out of the question for our single Archers. But regardless of your relationship status, love is sure to be on the brain this week!

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


No one would blame you for seeming a little off-kilter this week, Capricorn, especially with your ruling planet, Saturn, going retrograde. As a cardinal sign, you’re always forging ahead. But no one would blame you for plowing your pace a bit over the next few month. Progress is excellent, but even the best of us can use some time for resting and reviewing. Your next great achievement is never too far, but you’ll need a blueprint first.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Much like your neighbor, you may feel Saturn’s switch to retrograde motion more keenly than other signs, Aquarius. And with the planet of restriction in your appearance zone, it may be particularly unnerving, but don’t fret! Retrogrades always bring important lessons.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


The Gemini new moon brings your attention back home, Pisces. Though the sign of the Twins has a restless energy, there’s no reason to neglect your homebase. Perhaps it’s time that you seriously brainstorm some design ideas. A fresh coat of paint can change your room’s entire vibe.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

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