Weekly Horoscope: June 14 – 20, 2021

Our week begins on a frustrating note when Saturn (planet of restriction) in Aquarius squares Uranus (planet of surprises) in Taurus on Monday. This is an intense aspect that could bring up sudden and unpleasant changes in our lives, making most fixed signs anxious and uncomfortable. Lean into the chaos if you want to make it through.
On Sunday, we have the summer solstice, officially ushering us into Cancer season. During the longest day of the year, it’s important to let go of the doubts and insecurities that have been plaguing us all spring (and really the last year or so) and step into the sunshine of the season with renewed hope.
However, the longest day also throws us a curveball when Jupiter (planet of luck) turns retrograde in Pisces the same day. The planet of luck will be retrograde for the next four months, bringing some changes to our inner world. During this period of introspection, it’s important to listen to and trust your intuition in this steamy summer.
Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope for June 14, 2021

Be a team player this week, Aries. The square between Saturn and Uranus isn’t going to take your stubborn attitude. Jupiter retrograde is about to hit a very sensitive zone. So, get ready for some serious healing.
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
Jupiter takes a backward turn in your social zone over the weekend, Taurus. Things may be revealed in your network of friends or coworkers. Change your priorities where they need to be changed.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
Oh, Gemini, with Mercury retrograde in your sign, things are bound to go haywire with travel or education. The summer solstice is bringing you opportunity for self-care. Attempt to remember what you’re worth this week and apply that worth in feel-good activities.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
On Sunday, the sun moves into your sign. Your season is beginning! Also on this day, Jupiter will turn retrograde in your philosophy zone—asking you to go deep into spiritual depths over the next four months.
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
The summer solstice will land in your privacy zone… so, be gentle with yourself, Leo. Jupiter will also be turning retrograde. So, it’s time for a spiritual transformation. Let go of old structures.
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
Thanks to the square between Saturn and Uranus, it might be hard to get any work done whatsoever. Just try to keep your self-discipline. As the sun moves into your friendship zone, it’s a great time to connect with your social network, Virgo.
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.
The sun is moving through your career zone, Libra. It’s the perfect time to pay attention to your goals and make headway at work. As Jupiter turns retrograde in your sector of routine, the next four months are going to give you a reality check in day-to-day movement in a major way.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
Boundaries are important, Scorpio. And with the Saturn-Uranus square happening in your family zone, it’s important to remember to stand your ground when you need space. Over the weekend, Jupiter will turn retrograde in your zone of pleasure—asking you to dig deep around what brings you joy.
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
Being a Sagittariusmeans that routine is not really your style. But you might want to throw any sort of order out the window on Monday, as Saturn and Uranus create a square in a sector of routine. Lastly, your ruling planet will turn retrograde this weekend. Time to reflect on childhood.
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
The Saturn-Uranus square asks you to use your imagination. Adapt, adapt, adapt, Capricorn. Finally, Jupiter will turn retrograde in your communication zone, so “logic” might not really be possible. Find answers via feelings.
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
Family is getting a little crazy this week, Aquarius. It’s all the Uranus-Saturn square. Just be prepared to set up boundaries that you plan to keep. Lastly, Jupiter is turning retrograde in your sector of value. A big reality check regarding finances is coming your way.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
The Saturn-Uranus square is asking you not to push family and friends away. Talk to someone about your issues. It’s the easiest way to solve them. The sun moves into your pleasure zone over the weekend, Pisces. Do an art project.
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.
Lead photo courtesy of @becca_reitz