Weekend Love Horoscope for Friday March 9 to Sunday March 11: Change is Coming. Are You Ready?

By Virginia Mason

On March 9, 2018

In Aspect, Date, Sex

Weekend Love Horoscope for Friday March 9 to Sunday March 11: Change is Coming. Are You Ready?

The full moon energy is still unwinding. Mercury and Venus received a major release and deep healing last Sunday, and now, they’re being reborn in Aries as Jupiter hits rewind on your personal growth.

You’re adjusting to a new normal, and you may feel completely destabilized. You’re just trying to get through this transition, and that likely means finding new ways to communicate and experience love, especially the love you have for yourself. You have to find these new ways not because your old ways were bad but because you’re not that person anymore. You’re shiny, new, and beautifully courageous. Now is when you can take leaps of faith because the past doesn’t feel so heavy. It’s full speed ahead to what’s waiting for you. Try to stay afloat, okay? But know that if you go under, that’s okay, too! You’re bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and learning how to be this new version of yourself. And you’re not just learning. You are creating yourself with each step, and the people who truly love you will happily stick by your side as you move forward.

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

Aries Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: Venus is in Aries! The emphasis is on love, and by love, I mean worth. Your worth – how you see yourself and how this shapes the lovers and salaries you accept. Don’t forget that you define your worth. You’re the boss of your life.
This Weekend’s Mystery: The moon and Mars make you reconsider your capital-c Choices. Follow your urges, but also be strategic. Build something real and lasting.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I am worthy of receiving everything I want. 

Passion Prediction:                                      
Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: Venus conjuncts Mercury in Aries. You have the courage to express your love, and the wherewithal to understand what you’re really feel. Don’t hold back.
This Weekend’s Mystery:Saturn squares Venus. What you learn about love might not be all rosy and perfect. Let the truth sink in. It’s time to step into this new normal.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Learn to let go.

Passion Prediction:                                  
Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: Mercury in Aries makes you bold and curious! You’re ready to explore new projects and new people. Go do something new where you can also meet new people. Win-win.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Sorry, Mars is still not your friend. This weekend it’s touching Chiron and making you scared to actually go do the new things! But don’t just crawl into the familiar. Pushing yourself outside your comfort zone is how you get over this thing—whatever it is.
This Weekend’s Mantra: There’s no failing at life.

Passion Prediction:                          
Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: On Friday, the moon makes your sex drive soar. If you’re with someone, definitely spend time with your person. And if you’re loving the single life, then enjoy this amped up sexuality by expressing yourself through fashion or dancing or painting or whatever it is that helps you release.
This Weekend’s Mystery:  On Friday, the moon makes your sex drive soar. If you’re with someone, definitely spend time with your person. And if you’re loving the single life, then enjoy this amped up sexuality by expressing yourself through fashion or dancing or painting or whatever it is that helps you release.
This Weekend’s Mantra: All roads lead to where I’m meant to go. 

Passion Prediction:          
Leo Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: Jupiter in Scorpio trines the Pisces sun! Your bright light is shining on the spiritual plane, and you’re able to bring prestige and awareness to spiritual questions by making things happen. Give yourself time and space to think about how you can put your spiritual awareness into action!
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars challenges the sun, and it may be harder than usual to get things off the ground. This goes for projects as well as your sex life (pun somewhat intended). Have patience. You’re at the baby stages of something new. It’s okay that the path forward isn’t totally clear!
This Weekend’s Mantra: I am manifesting my truth. 

Passion Prediction:                  
Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: Mercury in Aries sends your productivity into high gear! You’re able to get a whole lot done in a lot less time, so what do you want to do? Take the lead in planning a fun, active weekend with your person.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Saturn and the Capricorn moon keep work on your mind. You try to have fun, but it may be hard to stop stressing. Maintain your boundaries and carve out specific time for play.
This Weekend’s Mantra: There’s beauty in the breakdown. 

Passion Prediction:   
Libra Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: Venus and Mercury in Aries help you own your anger and passion. You may be all rainbows and butterflies a lot of the time, but now you must embrace your shadow. There’s nothing wrong with standing up for yourself or crying for yourself or screaming at the world. Sometimes that’s exactly what you need.
This Weekend’s Mystery: And you’ll likely need it. The moon squares Venus, and you’re acknowledging any frustrations you have in love, especially the ways that love doesn’t feel fair. What’s fair anyway? Don’t worry too much about the answer, it’ll come as you let yourself feel all your feelings.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Life’s a puzzle to be lived. 

Passion Prediction:   
Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: Jupiter trines Chiron and the sun. You’re redefining who you are and becoming a more authentic version of yourself. When you close your eyes and say “no, thank you” to your fears, who do you want to become?
This Weekend’s Mystery:  Mars and Pluto challenge Chiron and Uranus. Your insecurities make you want to hide, but you must face your fears head on. Redefine what freedom has to look  like in your life. Love will grow as you take steps toward the truest version of yourself.
This Weekend’s Mantra:  No more pretending.

Passion Prediction:           
Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: Your ruling planet, Jupiter is officially in retrograde. This sends you into a deep period of reflection. What seeds do you want to water? Is your romantic relationship one of them?
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars makes you feistier than usual. Irritability and anger come to a head. Why are you so angry? Be honest with yourself so you can be honest with those you love.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Everything will be okay. 

Passion Prediction:         
Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope 

This Weekend’s Magic: Neptune eases tension. Keep your sights set on your long-term vision. Where you are right now is just a tiny piece of the big picture. Don’t lose perspective.
This Weekend’s Mystery:  Saturn squares Venus. You wish you could start fresh and experience the excitement of love’s early days, but that’s not where you are. Right now, love challenges you in order for it to grow. Don’t run from the hard stuff.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Patience yields success.

Passion Prediction:   
Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope 

This Weekend’s Magic: Friday’s moon boosts your confidence! This will help any relationship because it helps your relationship with yourself. (And isn’t this always the way it goes.) You’re ready for what comes next. Embrace uncertainty and throw control to the wind.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Pluto is still working its magic. Change is coming, but it doesn’t happen overnight…or over a week…or over a month. It happens over a lifetime. So have patience with this current transition. The answers will come in time.
This Weekend’s Mantra: The universe works in perfect alignment.

Passion Prediction:           
Pisces  Weekend Love Horoscope 

This Weekend’s Magic: You realize that you are so much more than you once thought. You are expansive and significant! You can feel yourself growing, but you can’t really see the new growth yet. Jupiter retrograde trines the sun in Pisces. This growth is going to take time, but it is beautiful.
This Weekend’s Mystery:  Venus and Mercury have left Pisces. You’re now having to manage Aries’ fire in all your relationships. Compassion is more of a struggle, but courage is unstoppable.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Just ride this wave. 

Passion Prediction: 

Virginia teaches you how to harness your intuitive powers, choose your most purposeful work, create nourishing boundaries, and attract your ideal partner. She utilizes tools and techniques acquired over years of working with energy, science, astrology, tarot, yoga, meditation, and more! She helps you remember just how free and powerful you really are. Are you ready for you most magical, meaningful life? Connect with Virginia now and discover more!

Read last week’s love horoscope here!

Read your March love horoscope here!

Manifest love in the new year with your exclusive 2018 horoscope. 

Want more spirituality, mysticism, and advice for bringing your life to the next level? Follow us on Instagram.

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