March 2021 New Moon in Pisces Horoscopes

By Nina Kahn

On March 12, 2021

In Astrology, Horoscope

March 2021 New Moon in Pisces Horoscopes

The new moon in Pisces that takes place on March 13, 2021 at 2:21am PT is set to be a harmonious one, as it’s full of all the stuff that cosmic dreams are made of. This gentle lunation feels like the equivalent of a cotton-candy cloud: fluffy, sweet, and whimsical. But unlike cotton candy (which disintegrates upon even the slightest change in humidity), this new moon isn’t just beautiful, it’s powerful. And it’s here to help put us in touch with our most empathic feelings, insightful intuitions, and fanciful fantasies.

This lunation takes place in the enchanting sea of watery Pisces, which offers us an idealistic new beginning that’s lucky for love, art, spirituality, and emotional healing alike. The sun and moon cozy up alongside romantic Venus (planet of love) and dreamy Neptune (planet of illusions), all within just four degrees of one another. Both Venus and Neptune are associated with the arts, making this a magical time to embrace your creativity and bring more beauty into the world—whether via poetry, visual art, or just an impeccably styled outfit. Our imaginations will be fully activated, so use these visionary vibes to your advantage.

The dreamy haze of this Piscean lunation is also strengthened by a positive sextile to powerful Pluto (planet of transformation), which offers us a little extra drive and resolve when it comes to manifesting our new moon goals. Our rose-colored glasses may be turning the world pink under this new moon, but our intuitive vision is at a crystal-clear 20/20. Trust yourself.

Your Zodiac Sign’s New Moon in Pisces Horoscope

new moon pisces

Courtesy of @broken_isnt_bad


It’s time to zip your lips, quiet your mind, and let your higher self do the talking, Aries. You’re being called to dive into a fresh spiritual practice, so connect with your inner mystic by doing a new moon ritual, trying a guided meditation, or just making a more conscious effort to honor your intuition. Build a new and more joyful relationship with your spirituality that’s just as exciting and creative as you are.


You didn’t ask to be the emotional glue holding a whole group of people together under this new moon, Taurus, but your reliability and strength make you fit for the task. You’re feeling inspired to go to greater lengths for the wellbeing of the collective (whether that’s your social circle, your work crew, or a community you’re part of). Invest your heart, creativity, and emotional intelligence into a larger cause.


Time to bring a little heart and soul into your career life, Gemini. With the new moon in your house of public image, this is an important chance to put some real feeling into what you do. Use this energy to help you weave your unique brand of creativity and authenticity into your work—because no matter how successful you become, you won’t feel like you’re truly living the dream until you’re able to let your inner self shine.


You’re experiencing a spiritual and creative renaissance now, Cancer, so this new moon is an ideal time to immerse yourself in something that lights up your mind and makes your spirit sparkle. Perhaps that looks like pursuing a new study, making travel plans, or saying yes to a sudden opportunity. Whatever you do, allow yourself soak up all the knowledge, perspective, and experience that the world is offering you.


Sometimes, in order to really heal something, we have to completely immerse ourselves in the thick of it—and with the new moon in your house of transformation, it’s time to dive down deep under the surface of your life to do just that. If you’re brave enough to get real with yourself, you can do some serious spiritual growth now, Leo. Drown your fears like they just hit an iceberg, but don’t let yourself sink along with the ship.


It’s time to open up to the people closest to you and get vulnerable, Virgo. With the new moon in your house of partnerships, you’re being asked to unlock the chains around your heart and spill your soul’s most sentimental secrets to the ones that you love. While the thought of it might be scary as hell, it’ll feel like heaven once you get there. Because if you can’t share your feelings and fears with your loved ones, then what’s the point?


There’s something strangely meditative about having a smoothly organized routine and sticking to it, Libra—and the new moon is offering you a chance to get into a healthy new groove. There’s a big difference between being busy and being burnt out, so focus on maintaining your holistic wellness as you create an ideal daily schedule. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you for this refreshing change of pace.


Thanks to the new moon in your romantic fifth house, you’re bubbling over with inspiration and imagination now, Scorpio. It’s as if you’ve got an inner compass that draws your eye directly to the beauty, joy, and truth at the core of all things. Channel this deep well of emotions into a stunning work of art or even an exciting romantic affair. But whatever you do, listen to your heart and sail toward the strongest feelings.


You’re being called to come home to yourself under this new moon, Sagittarius—regardless of how far you’ve strayed. This new moon begins a new chapter in your heart when it comes to your family, memories, and home life. If you’re willing to work through the emotional stuff that comes along with making peace with the past, this can happen. Make time to rest, pause, and journey inward to find a sense of comfort.


Stop and smell the flowers today, Capricorn. This new moon asks you to connect with your surroundings in a more sincere way—whether that’s by allowing yourself to be moved by the striking beauty of a sunset or by simply asking a coworker how they’re doing when you could have cut a conversation short. Practicing mindfulness in your day-to-day life will make even the most mundane tasks feel more meaningful.


You’re not usually the sentimental or materialistic type, Aquarius, but this lunation might inspire you to do some emotional bonding with your stuff. You’re learning to appreciate the beauty and power of the material world in a new way, so it’s a good time to invest in something that’s meaningful to you or make a charitable donation to a cause close to your heart. Just don’t let yourself get lost in a money-spending haze.


The new moon in your sign is taking you on a mystical journey of self-discovery, Pisces. But instead of getting gleefully lost in the vast internal landscape of your feelings and fantasies, allow yourself to swim freely, bravely, and confidently out to the deep blue sea. Trust that you’ll be able to stand out and hold your own, even in a school of many other shiny fins. The “big fish in a small pond” mentality isn’t serving you any longer.

Lead photo courtesy of: @broken_isnt_bad

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