January 2018 Horoscope: Get Ready for Magic

By Horoscope.com

On January 2, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

January 2018 Horoscope: Get Ready for Magic

New year, new you? While a brand new year means turning over a new leaf, the stars are asking you to dig deeper into who you are (and who you want to be) Uranus turns direct after five months of retrograde motion, so you may find that projects you laid groundwork for months ago are finally beginning to take off. You may feel overwhelmed at the beginning of the month, but it’s better than being bored, right? Things are all working toward a conclusion, and the January 31 eclipse will tie up a lot of loose ends. Beware arguments, especially at the end of the month, when Mars enters Sagittarius, and tempers flare. Try to stop letting your own pride get in the way when it comes to arguing your path. Here, what else to expect in January 2018.

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

Aries January Horoscope
You may be dealing with some leftover drama at the beginning of the week. Try to tie up loose ends, because the event won’t disappear, and hurt feelings may need soothing over. The sixteenth brings up new career opportunities. Keep your ear to the ground before then and be aware that the interview process may be a little more low key than you’re used to—you may be getting judged by future colleagues at a happy hour, fitness clsss, or other place where you think you’re off the clock, so act appropriately! On January 31, your creativity is cranked up. You sometimes save reading, watching movies, or looking at art for “when you have time.” That time is now.
Standout Days: 6, 11, 26
Challenging Days: 18,28

Taurus January Horoscope 
Friends are everything, and you’re learning that when you say what you think, you can’t go wrong. The new moon on the sixteenth brings up a once in a lifetime opportunity, and you may find multiple stamps in your passport in quick succession. Wherever you go, know that relationships are worth much more than sightseeing—consider going on a foreign date in a new country. Single? You may find yourself meeting someone at one of your same-old haunts, so keep looking up and looking around! The January 31 full moon and eclipse urge you to do something for your home. Make it homey. Make it inviting. Spend ten minutes cleaning in the AM—after all, you never know who will be stopping by.
Standout Days: 3,  8, 17
Challenging Days: 13, 29 

What does your soul crave in 2018? Your Vedic horoscope can tell you …

Gemini January Horoscope      
The January first full moon shines a light on your finances, and it’s a great time to clean up your bank account. Set up a system, consolidate accounts, consider looking into what the Bitcoin craze is all about. Take charge and be knowledgeable of your finances—a class could be helpful in helping you feel more proactive and on top of things. The new moon brings people out of the woodwork, and you may find people asking for favors without any reciprocity. Generosity is good, being a doormat is not. Before you say yes, ask yourself if you want to help. It’s okay to say no and take care of yourself first!
Standout Days: 10, 12, 31
Challenging Days: 23, 24

Cancer January Horoscope
Don’t hold back! The Cancer full moon, coupled with Uranus going direct, makes you feel like anything is possible. The beginning of the month may be emotional overload, in both good and bad ways. It’s an epic rollercoaster, so ride it, but take breaks when you need. Hibernating isn’t the worst idea in the beginning of the month. The new moon on the sixteenth is a prime one for love. Something major may happen, but your heart and mind have to be open. If you do feel scared or closed off, consider working with a coach or therapist. It will only enhance all the magic that’s already occuring for you. The full moon on January 31 may bring welcome financial news—but don’t spend any cash until it’s in your bank account.
Standout Days: 2, 10. 29
Challenging Days: 7, 21

Leo January Horoscope
The full moon on January second may have given you a momentary confidence crash. You may feel moody and intense—even more so than usual—but these feelings won’t last. Pay attention to what these feelings are telling you; it could be a signal that it’s time to make a shift. Positive change can come from negative feelings. The new moon on the sixteenth is a prime day to commit to a new workout or health challenge. The full moon provides reflection, and you may find it leading you to a new practice, hobby, or person. Follow your intuition. And seek the sun! Leo, if you’re trapped in a cold and snowy part of the world, it might behoove you to explore heat lamp therapy or at least spend some time looking at palm trees online.
Standout Days: 8. 19, 31
Challenging Days: 9, 14

Virgo January Horoscope
Your social life is intense at the beginning of the month. Packed in the mix are some obligatory invites. Weed through and only hang out with people who boost your energy. The new moon continues your social surge—go out and about, it’s the best way to beat the winter blahs. You’re enjoying your new, social self and finding the more you put yourself out there, the more energy you gain. January 31 cranks up your empathy—volunteering or even spending time with older relatives could make you feel a million times better. Mentors matter. Look to a few generations above you for tips on how to live your best life.
Standout Days: 4, 10, 31
Challenging Days: 24, 27 

Libra January Horoscope
The full moon on January 1 shines into your career, and the first week of the month is busy, busy, busy. Go with the flow. Don’t second guess yourself. Look to friends to talk you up if you find your confidence faltering. The new moon on the sixteenth has you turning your attention to your home. An issue may come up that needs a professional. Don’t try to DIY. January 31 is a full moon and brings career news. The beginning of February could also be incredibly busy with work stuff. Shine bright, keep your LinkedIn updated, and know that an “interview” could happen any time—that person who says hi to you at a coffee shop just may be your next boss.
Standout Days: 3, 8, 17
Challenging Days: 9, 24

Scorpio January Horoscope
The beginning of the month is all about you. You have some convictions and goals you want to hold close to your chest for now. That’s fine, but know that sooner rather than later, sharing your news and goals will only solidify them and make them more likely to happen. The new moon on the sixteenth brings all sorts of people looking for favors, remember, saying no is a full sentence.It may be time to clean house with some relationships, especially if you feel you’re always giving with no reciprocity. The full moon on January 31 also helps you close the door to one chapter in your life. Remember: It’s okay to be sad, and it’s okay to move on.
Standout Days: 1, 6, 9
Challenging Days: 17, 29

Learn about your animal sign with the wisdom of Chinese astrology.

Sagittarius January Horoscope
The first week of the month is all about getting your priorities in order. You’re hearing a lot of noise from others, but your opinion is the only one that counts. What do you want out of  your life? That’s the only opinion and action that matters. You may find finances coming into focus on the sixteenth—if you haven’t spoken to a financial advisor, it’s a good time to do so, particularly as it concerns a windfall. You may need to take some extra steps to protect your assets. The full moon on January 31 may bring up some far-flung adventures. Book a spontaneous plane ticket! You may also find yourself getting caught up in a relationship—romantic or platonic. Enjoy, but don’t get swept away.
Standout Days: 6, 11, 26
Challenging Days: 13, 25

Capricorn January Horoscope
The full moon is full of love, and you’re feeling the vibes all month long. Your own behavior may surprise you. It’s a one night stand kind of night. Enjoy, but don’t hurt others. If you’re getting swept up in an emotional affair while you’re attached, break it off sooner rather than later, trust us. The new moon cranks up your charm and you may find yourself engaging in some very fun flirt fests. Again, make sure everyone is on the same page. You’re pretty irresistible this month! The full moon on January 31 brings an ending to a certain project or part of your life. It’s okay to feel sad. It’s time to move on, though. A moving on ritual—or even considering getting a tattoo—could be a good move. 
Standout Days: 8, 9, 15
Challenging Days: 12, 17 


Aquarius January Horoscope 
The full moon urges you to stay close to home the first week of the year. Little moves—like buying a houseplant or finally putting up that shelf—has a majorly positive effect on your mood. This is an internal month, with a lot of work happening in your mind. It’s because it’s the month before your birthday, and it’s only natural to turn in and consider what changed and how you will make this year your best ever. But don’t just mindlessly ‘Flix under the covers. It’s all about intention. A yoga practice or committing to a new routine, like cooking at home, could be amazing.The full moon and solar eclipse on January 31 may bring love, but you’ve gotta be ready. Attached? It’s a great month to recommit to your partner.
Standout Days: 6, 12, 19
Challenging Days: 1, 17

Pisces January Horoscope
The full moon of January first brings up adventure. You may find yourself planning a trip, or going on a last-minute business trip. Find ways to enjoy every moment. A connection you make away from home may be important in the future. January sixteenth shines a light on your social circle. Stop knee-jerk saying no and say yes. Who cares if it’s cold? Wear a coat! January 31 is an excellent time to commit to a physical challenge, or double down on a resolution. Single? This may be a quiet month in love, but trust that February (and Valentine’s Day) will heat things up!
Standout Days: 2, 20, 25
Challenging Days: 13, 27

Read last month’s horoscope here. 

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

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