How Can You Make This Upcoming Week Steamy AF? Your Weekly Horoscope for May 21 to 28


On May 20, 2018

In Astrology

How Can You Make This Upcoming Week Steamy AF? Your Weekly Horoscope for May 21 to 28

A Virgo quarter moon puts you at a crossroads early in the week. You may decide to adjust or reverse course on a project. Let your heart guide you. On Tuesday, as Mercury links to jovial Jupiter and dreamy Neptune, you may get carried away by daydreams. Keep your feet planted firmly on the ground.

On Wednesday, the sun links with dynamic Mars, an aspect that can help you finally take action. The path is clear. The weekend can be intense, and may feel like a release, as Venus opposes sobering Saturn. Sometimes letting go is the best way to move forward. Your weekly horoscope for May 21 to May 28. 

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Finances can be all over the place early in the week. Avoiding spending money before it’s safely in your bank account, as Mercury and Neptune make it tough to assess what you really have. If you truly want something, it’ll be there next week. This can be a great week to meet others, and listening is key. Keep your mouth shut and listen up — you may find some patterns linking together to help you solve an issue that you’ve been grappling with for weeks.

This is a great week for socializing, and early in the week is prime time for romance, or for meeting someone new. It’s all about giving into the moment, and not getting caught up in what ifs and shoulds. In other words, stay out late and don’t look at the clock! Midweek, as the sun and Mars align, you could find yourself contemplating an oppurtunity that can help you make money. Awesome! But don’t splash out any cash yourself, and don’t think, if it’s an interview, that a brand new outfit is needed to clinch the gig. The weekend is the best time for reconnecting with old friends or even stirring up a romance.

Now’s not the time to be cagey when it comes to future plans. The Virgo quarter moon suggests sharing your future ideas with others, your family, in particular, can be helpful in giving you some feedback on next steps. On Thursday, as Mercury connects with jovial Jupiter and nebulous Neptune, your intuition is on point. Follow it where it may lead. Mars is in your sector of far horizons midweek, and it may be the best time to finally plan that far flung vacation. Finally, over the weekend, you may feel like you’re getting a heavy dose of purpose in the best possible way.

This is a prime week for connecting to your spiritual side, and it may be helpful to partner with a mentor, or even a life coach, who can help take your disparate thoughts and form them into an action plan. This week, a tie between Jupiter and Neptune can cast a romantic shadow over your week. Avoid split-second reactions and let things unfold. This weekend, you may feel like curling up in your shell. Try to get out a bit — too much brooding doesn’t do you well.

The quarter moon in Virgo has you second guessing plans, especially if they involve money. It may be wise to hold back a bit, again, no offer will truly go so quickly you don’t have time to think, and if it does, it truly may not have been the right one for you at this point in time. The sun in your social sector on Wednesday highlights going out, while on Friday, you may find yourself engaged in an intense discussion with your family and friends about something that’s weighed pretty heavily on your mind. Confrontation doesn’t win; lead with love. Over the weekend, Venus suggests spending some time solo to work through your thoughts.

With a quarter-moon in your sign, you feel free and ready to take on the world. This can be a great start to the week, and this “on top of the world” feeling can last all week long, especially when it comes to career. Personal relationships may feel a little rocky this week. Tread cautiously and remember that everyone’s dealing with their own sh*t. You may need to be more empathetic than usual in order to allow the people close to you to open up.


Be careful with your finances, as they may not be exactly what they seem. As Mercury and Jupiter align in your money zone, you may not necessarily have your wants aligned with your budget. This week is a good time to truly tune into yourself. Remember: You can’t please anyone. Remind yourself of this multiple times until it rings true, because right now, you’re doing things primarily to make other people happy, a move that won’t end well for you. This weekend is a great time to surround yourself with people you know have your back.


Monday’s quarter moon in your social sector is a great way to crank up your summer plans, and you may find yourself floating between social groups, with the trickiest thing being to decide how you’re going to spend your time. You’ve worked hard to be in this position, so enjoy it! Romance is also a key issue this week, and your quest for a soul mate may be more successful than you anticipated. Yes, love really can be that easy. Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop!

Your intuition is on fire early in the week, when expressive Mercury makes an aspect to upbeat Jupiter and ethereal Neptune. Don’t ignore what your heart tells you. Midweek, the sun’s link with feisty Mars suggests teamwork is the way forward on a tricky work issue. You don’t win extra points for going it alone. This weekend may lead to some minor cash flow problems. Don’t stress, but putting aside some money for the future could be a really smart move.


Romance is everything in the early part of the week. Not single? Watch out. Even coupled up Caps may find flirtation going too far, especially as dreamy Neptune gets involved. Make your boundaries crystal clear. Midweek, work sparkles as dynamic Mars finally makes a project seem to hurtle forward, after being stalled for months. You may also experience a cash infusion, but the smartest strategy may be to invest it rather than spend it all in one place. The weekend may have a confusing social encounter — it’s okay to let it drop and try again later.

The Virgo quarter moon occurs in an intense sector of your chart, kickstarting your ambition and casting aside any doubts. You’ve got this! Mercury and Jupiter align midweek, giving you even more motivation. You may feel like you’re moving so fast and don’t have time to breathe; trust that everything is working as it should. Don’t beat yourself up and give yourself plenty of opportunity to chill out, especially on the weekend, when a night of passion may be what you need to release steam and reconnect to your love.

Your social life is busy AF, and you’re exhausted, and may feel like work is being neglected. Time to recalibrate a bit. Mercury and Jupiter suggest big thinking, and it may be time to make a bold move you’ve feared in the past. A Gemini sun this month inspires you to fully embrace your home — which has taken the back burner these past few weeks. Friday can be a great day. Pay attention, think positive, and look up!


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