Capricorn Singles Horoscope

If you are a Capricorn searching for love in 2021, this is where you need to buckle up and jump right in! This is not part of what you are used to in any sense, but trying something from the opposite approach is where you will find the best results.

If you're tired of online or app dates, try just asking friends to set you up. If you've waited for the other person to ask you out, this is the year to flip the script and send that flirtatious text first. You really have nothing to lose at this point, other than maybe a few amazing dating stories! Your sign is truly afraid of failure, which is your best-kept secret, but it isn't the easiest when you are trying to open your heart up to romance.

For those Goats who have recently gone through a breakup and are just ready to step into a non-committal situation, you might need to be careful about breaking someone's heart. You are vibrant and magnetic with the current presence of Saturn in electric Aquarius and Pluto still ruminating deeply in your very sign.

There's a specific mysterious quality you have that attracts suitors and potential lovers to you extremely easily. It's really a matter of asking yourself what you need on a monthly basis. January and February might bring in a relationship that actually lasts throughout the year and can serve as a potential long-term partner if you truly feel ready.

If you want to keep things casual, consider May through September a more light-hearted time for you to feel yourself. You will conclude the year with some major questions from Venus retrograde in your sign who is going to ask you to either make a move or let someone go!