Libra Couples Horoscope

All is fair in love when you’re a Libra!

As your ruler and goddess of love, Venus, enters sensitive Pisces in mid-January, romance springs to life. You are truly in love with love now, and there’s a dreamy energy that’s optimistic if not a bit naïve. You want things to work with your partner so badly that you might overlook some glaring problems. A Venus-Neptune conjunction at the end of January helps you continue to live in a state of ignorant bliss, but you know deep down it can’t last forever. Things to appreciate now? Gorgeous bouquets of flowers you pick together, your partner’s signature scent and romantic daydreams about storybook endings

There’s a full moon in your balanced sign at the start of April, so you’ll want to give your partner the benefit of the doubt if any troubling issues surface. At the same time, you have pressure from the fiery Aries sun trying to hurry you along to make a quick decision, which works against your patient nature. Put off making any decisions you feel are being rushed now, Libra, especially concerning the long-term.

Loving Venus moves into nurturing Cancer at the start of August, bringing a warm boost of dedication to your relationship. You’re clearly committed to each other, which should be enough. If you’ve been feeling that something is missing from your relationship, this is a very fertile time, which could be an indication that the time is right to add to your family. “Expansion” can take on many different meanings beyond pregnancy, however, from getting a new pet to welcoming a foster child to caring for an aging parent. You see the beauty in all types of familial relationships now.