Leo Singles Horoscope
Love is all around you in 2018, Leo! Social life teems with romantic prospects and there likely will be someone within easy reach to match up with your momentary tastes and desires.
Of course, this can be both a blessing and a curse. Approach new people with warm optimism but reasonable caution. You know this already. But with a Venus-Uranus trine in play for you this year, it's even more important.
February and September are times to go slowly with new prospects. Neptune is strong then, making first impressions less reliable.
More reliable fun companions prevail in July and August, when your instincts are sharper. Here, Mercury retrograde in Leo is your friend. So, possibly, is the Mars retrograde, to rein in any wild passions.
During October and November, Venus retrograde in Scorpio and then Libra is possibly your friend as well. You already know that taking risks and being passionate are choices that need more respect. Still, a connection made now could be “the one.”