Aries Couples Horoscope
Make your way through 2018 as a smooth, efficient team. It may start off quickly as the sun conjoins Pluto in January. After that, you'll both be in more control of your romantic and domestic lives.
Retrograde Mercury in Aries provides an opportunity to reassess and redistribute domestic responsibilities. It could be as fundamental as making more allowances for each other's work schedule. Love and daily life keep getting better.
April and May promise excitement and sensual delights of all kinds. The moon is in sensuous but sensible Taurus when the sun enters Aries. Cherry cheesecake and bubble baths may appeal more. A romantic getaway is possible.
Work may compete with love while Mars is retrograde in Capricorn from late June through August. After that, happiness should be unchallenged and easy, possibly easiest from August through September.
In October and November, Venus is retrograde in Scorpio, ending in Libra. Get serious, work on your relationship, and have a stronger, sweeter partnership. In November, Jupiter enters Sagittarius and love gets even more generous.