Want something done? Ask an Aries, the DIY master!

Your sign is unmatched when it comes to physical stamina. You may go to the gym to "rest" after your 5-mile hike, then be on the stationary bike for an hour, or lift your body weight in weights! You're also one of those night owls who can survive on much less than the 8-hours-per-night suggestion.

You also know how to apply your focus to a task, and wear it down through sheer force of will. If you're trying to lose weight, you just outlast any challenges until you come out the winner. Aren't you lucky! Nah, you work for it!

The only downside to your skills is that people are always asking you for favors. Not a bad problem to have. It means you have lots of pals, and if they need help moving every once in a while, it's not a problem. No one lifts and carries like you do, Ram.

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