What might be holding you back from getting fit...

As a Scorpio, you have a lot of qualities going for you when it comes to fitness. Mars, the planet of action is one of your rulers, giving you a lot of energy and determination. Plus, you also have a high metabolism. So what is keeping you from getting fit?

• You are the all or nothing type, which combined with your obsessive tendency might be keeping you from striking a balance in your workout routine. In other words, don't exceed yourself by going to the gym every single day, you will go crazy. Exercise 3 to 4 days a week, every week.

• Also, it is best if you don't work out in a group. Especially when you are just starting a new sport, your high competitiveness might make you drop when you notice you are not at least one of the best.

• Your rich and emotional life might also be getting in the way. Make your work out routine one of your top priorities. Even if you're sad or tired, channeling your energy this way will not only help you relieve any frustration or stress, it will also be good for your sex life!

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