How to tell if a Cap loves you... or just your adoration

Capricorns love approval so much that they can sometimes mistake a love of being adored for their love of another person... aka, being in love with being loved, but not loving the other. So, how do you know if a Capricorn really loves you, or just what you do for them?

Loves you: Gives you gifts or does nice things for you without looking for a reaction or anything in return.
Loves what you do for them: Looks eagerly for your response when he/she does something nice, and seems disappointed if you aren’t super thrilled.

Loves you: Makes room in their schedule for you on demand, putting you as a priority.
Loves what you do for them: Prefers spur of the moment plans and often works you into open slots in their schedule.

Loves you: Tells you with words and actions.
Loves what you do for them: Is very appreciative and compliments you on things they like ABOUT you, but doesn’t say that they love YOU.

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