These are the 3 reasons Caps toss and turn all night

Not sleeping is a serious and common problem for Capricorns, so make sure you are avoiding these three culprits that rob you of a decent rest...

Electronics. Don't use any right before bed. That includes your phone, having the TV on, a too-bright alarm clock glowing in the dark, even music. Power down!

Your diet. You need to eat your biggest meals during the first half of the day. You shouldn't eat within an hour or more of when you want to fall asleep, and that last meal should be light and mainly vegetarian.

Gotta have your nightly ice cream fix? Opt for lower fat options if you must - or try a coconut milk ice cream to nix the dairy which can bother your digestion.

Your bedmate. Eek, yes really! If they snore or crowd your space, you may not get a good night's rest. But the biggest bed pest is your pet! Make sure your fluffy friend gives you room to stretch, or they get the floor.

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