The surprising thing that makes stoic Goats uneasy...

Everyone knows Capricorns aren’t big risk-takers, but why? Sure, part of it is that we are smart. And another part is that we don’t need cheap thrills. But the main reason? We fear public ridicule.

Don’t believe me? Well, ask yourself these:
- Do you wear out-there outfits, costumes, colors? When you do, how do you feel? Why?
- Do you do mostly what you WANT or mostly what you SHOULD?
- How do you feel when someone teases you? Do you then avoid whatever provoked it?
- Do you like to be the center of attention? What about with close friends? Strangers?

Analyze your answers and tell me if they do NOT support my theory of Capricorns fearing ridicule. I am curious to hear your feedback! (P.S. - I, for one, admit I have this fear. I want approval!)

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