Bulls love this so much, it can be a full-fledged addiction!

Us Bulls know and love the finer things in life. After all, we are the most sophisticated sign. But sometimes we indulge ourselves a bit too much... is that bad?

It can be, if it leads to money problems, obesity, or causing relationship issues (your mate might not appreciate footing the bill after you order the most expensive things off the menu!).

If you must have that imported chocolate, don't eat it all in one day. Don't turn up your nose at any wine that isn't $50 . And don't run up the room service charges so high that you can't pay them when you check out!

Treating yourself to the finer things in life can be a definite plus, in moderation. Overly frugal, restrained signs like Capricorn and Virgo should take a cue from you... life is too short to be cheap! Just don't treat yourself so much you end up unable to fit in that first class seat!

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