Your powerful psychic skill and how to use it, Taurus...

Go ahead, reach out and touch it, Taurus! Your sense of touch actually brings out your psychic abilities! How so??

Taurus natives actually have the psychic power of psychometry, or the ability to know informative about someone or something by touch. Have you ever hugged someone and felt their pain, even if they acted fine? Have you bumped into a stranger and knew they were trouble? Have you nursed a pet back to health? It was all connected to your physical contact.

While you may not be able to hold an ailing person's hand and bring them back to life (although, I'm not saying that's impossible), you can do a few things to improve this power. First, you need to be fully present and focused as you touch something with a clear intention. Visualize what you hope to accomplish via touch. And, in true Taurus fashion, don't rush... prolong the touch as long as you can.

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