Your Weekly Horoscope: Fun, Attractions, and Obsessions


On June 3, 2018

In Astrology

Your Weekly Horoscope: Fun, Attractions, and Obsessions

The week has a bubbly start with the brilliant sun connecting with visionary Mercury in witty Gemini on Tuesday. The Twins’ energy is at its peak right now, meaning that while you’ve got your thinking cap on, you could also be trying to manipulate certain situations.

Just as you find yourself spinning things your way, master illusionist Neptune enters the scene the next day with an edgy square to create some confusion. This phase could last until the weekend, so it will be helpful to stay conscious in your interactions while you mix and mingle.

Talking about interactions, also on Tuesday, luscious Venus opposes intense Pluto, a transit that will spark passions, attractions, and obsessions for the next few days. And, while this week might not be the best to make important relationship-related decisions, it might bring some seriously sexy vibes.

Astrology Dates to Remember:

Sun-Mercury conjunction in Gamin – June 4

Venus opposes Pluto – June 5

Sun squares Neptune – June 5

Mercury squares Neptune – June 5

Moon enters Aries – June 7

Moon in Aries sextiles Mars in Aquarius – June 8

Moon in Aries sextiles Mercury in Gemini – June 9

Weekly Horoscope – June 4 to June 10 /2018

Aries Weekly Horoscope

If there is a week to try to chill out and go with the flow, it’s this one! Why? There will be just too much confusion in the air, which means you will be way better off just relaxing and having fun rather than pushing your own agenda. Trust us when we say that manipulation could only drive you to butt heads with someone. Plus, why even try when instead you could be spending your time making a bold impression on someone? Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Hold on to your wallet! With your ruling planet, Venus, being out of bound for quite a while now, you could be easily persuaded to spend your hard-earned cash. If you must spend money, make sure to read the fine print. On a good note, the Venus-Pluto opposition might bring a blast from the past, perhaps from the one who got away? Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

This week is a mixed bag for Geminis. Master illusionist Neptune might bring some confusing demands and request your way, which might be somewhat annoying to you. Good thing you have a lot of positive energy backing you up from the mighty sun and your ruler Mercury meeting up in your sign. Handle career and financial matters with care to avoid frustration and angry interactions and you will be fine You got this! Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Even if the signs around you seem confusing, this is a week to listen to your instincts because they will not fail you. The next few days are also good for setting clear and firm boundaries in order to protect your energy from someone who might try to force their agenda on you due to the potent opposition between Venus and Mars across your relationships zone. Find out more by reading your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Are you ready for some fun? Oh yes, you always are! You will be attending the best parties in town and getting tons of likes as you document this week’s shenanigans. But because confusion lord Neptune will be affecting a sensitive part of your chart, it would help to balance your party hours with some me time so you don’t end up overdoing it. Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

You are not one who needs constant reassurance, but this week, you might be the star of the show as you hustle your way up the career ladder with Mercury activating this sector of your chart. However, Neptune’s presence suggests someone who is jealous of your makings trying to make you look bad. Don’t take them too seriously and you will be fine! Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Feeling tired? This week’s blend of energies might take a toll on you. Perhaps it’s time for a break or even a vacation, especially if your work situation has been too intense lately. The dynamic presence of Mars currently in your leisure sector says you would benefit from taking some time to chill and focus on fun, play, and activities that expand your mind. So, delegate some of your tasks and grab your bags! Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

This is one of those weeks when you might have to exercise your patience, as hard as it can be. The reason being, both of your rulers, Mars and Pluto, forming intense aspects to other major cosmic players. Someone might have a bit of an obsession with you, possibly causing mixed messages and misunderstandings. The key is to wait until next week to deal with it all. This week, you are better off having fun on your own. Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

With the sun aligning with chatty Mercury in your social sector, you are loving life while positive things are coming your way. The one thing to look out for is possible confusion due to Neptune’s nebulous footprint activating your sign, especially midweek. You could also benefit from watching your wallet, as the temptation of splurging on something you don’t really need could take over you. Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Your sign is not strongly empathized this week, which, to be honest, is a good thing. You could use the break. However, like the rest of the signs, you might be the victim of Neptune’s confusing cloud, too. To avoid annoyance, double and triple check your stuff and you will come out of it successfully.  When it comes to relationships, let people do their own thing instead of pushing your will onto them. Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

You are and will be hosting active Mars in your sign for some time, giving you an eager, bold and badass attitude. You have the green light to express yourself and tackle projects you have been neglecting doing. However, there is also time for mixing and mingling, of course, as long as you don’t let confusing Neptune ruining your party! The secret is to plan ahead, even if it goes against your nature. Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

The attention is on you this week with Neptune, your ruling planet, taking the stage and putting you under everyone’s lenses. Also, because the focus in on your home zone, it would pay to keep yourself as organized as possible to avoid annoyances and wasting time, especially if you are hosting guests or a dinner party at your place. On another note, the link between Pluto and Venus suggests someone in your social circle may be little jealous of you. Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope. —By Helen Adams  & The Editorial Staff

Check your June 2018 monthly horoscope.


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