Your Weekend Love Horoscope For June 23–25, 2017


On June 23, 2017

In Astrology, Love, Prediction

Your Weekend Love Horoscope For June 23–25, 2017

With the new moon in Cancer on Friday, love is poised to be both sentimental and nostalgic. Single? Expect to hear from an old crush. Coupled up? Little gestures go a long way, and gifts—both given and received—are ultra important. This weekend is key to either making or solidifying an important romantic connection, so every little conversation counts.  

Aries Weekend Love Horoscope
Friday is all about trying something, anything, new—and staying open to love while you’re at it. If you’re single, no need to swap contact info with the person you end up flirting with—if it’s right, you will see them again, and rushing things now may lead to drama later. Coupled up? Enjoy a day à deux on Saturday, and don’t try to overanalyze conversations—just enjoy the moment.

Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope
Lately, you’ve felt dissatisfied with the same-old routine. If you want to shake things up, it’s up to you to create a strategy. The stars say music is a key element to bolstering your romantic life: Find a concert and bring your favorite date—which could be your favorite wingman or woman, if you’re single. You’re feeling shaky on Sunday: Stop pretending everything is fine and talk out your feelings. The conversation (whether it’s with a partner or pal) will have your confidence soaring all week long.

Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope

You’ve been noncommittal all week: Make a plan on Friday night and stick with it. Otherwise, you’ll just end up solo at home, and that isn’t the ideal choice for you this weekend. Saturday is perfect for a date night, either with a partner or with someone you’ve just met. Take the lead and make the plan—your plus-one will appreciate your confidence. Sunday is all about letting it go. You’ve had some built-up emotions, and a cry session is long overdue. Know that the tears have nothing to do with your relationship, and everything to do with all the other drama in your life.

Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope
Usually the life of the party, Crabs are exhausted this Friday! Hanging out at home is key, otherwise, you may find yourself involved in escalating squabbles that may have some unwanted aftershocks. Keep up the chill vibe Saturday—if you’re single, you may meet someone very interesting as you go about your daily life. Attached? Make time for capital-r Romance on Sunday. Plan an itinerary just for you two. It doesn’t need to be expensive (a picnic at the park is more than fine) but it should give you plenty of time for some heart-to-heart sharing.

Leo Weekend Love Horoscope
Just because you plan on staying in on Friday night doesn’t mean you’re alone—you may find things getting hot and steamy on social media. Log off if the conversation gets unwelcomingly intense. On Saturday, connect with your wider social circle. Even if you’re in a relationship, keeping tabs on your other connections is key for a happy, well-rounded life. Make plans to go out on Sunday and stay out late. You’ll survive on Monday, and making the most of every single second of the weekend is key, since the stars say the week is slated to be intense, work-wise.

Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope
On Friday, a last-minute text may result in up-all-night plans. Go with them—this summer is all about taking things one moment at a time. Have a to-do list you can’t ignore? Get stuff done on Saturday, but make sure to look up from your phone. You may want to extend yourself to someone who catches your eye. On Sunday, a conversation with a partner or potential date may not go the way you want. Don’t try to force the issue, you’re learning a lot about the person from their responses.

Libra Weekend Love Horoscope

This weekend, your attention is fixated on someone else’s romantic life. Playing Cupid is fine, gossiping about someone’s partner is not. You’re also finding your social media profiles under extra scrutiny, especially if you’re single. If you haven’t yet, scrub any controversial posts now. Coupled? Do your own thing on Saturday. Fine if your partner comes along, fine if you go solo. And resist staying in workout gear all Sunday. The stars say dress up—you’ll be surprised who you attract.

Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope
Friday is all about hanging back and listening to what other people say—you’ll get valuable intel that you can use later, either about a partner or a potential date. You may get an invite on Saturday to an event that sounds less than thrilling. Go anyway: It’s important to your partner or date, and the stars say it’ll be a lot more fun than it seems. You may be tempted to bring up a serious conversation on Sunday, but try to keep the vibes more mellow: Midweek is better to have that heart to heart.

Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope
New friends play a serious role in the weekend—and could set you up if you’re single. Attached? That fresh energy is key to livening up your bond. You’re feeling pretty body-conscious this weekend. The best way to get over it? Pull on a bathing suit and head to the pool—the sun and water on your skin will wash away your self-doubt. Sunday is the best day to skip the alarm and spend all morning naked in bed with your partner. That skin-on-skin contact is exactly what you need to reconnect.

Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope 
You have a bunch of invites on Friday night, but lose the guilt and skip them—a quiet evening hanging out with your favorite person is key for putting you in the best mood this weekend. You’re having some serious conversations all weekend, but even though they involve big-deal steps, they seem easy. That’s a good thing! On Sunday, indulge in a creativity-boosting pampering session, either alone or with your partner. Feeling in tune with your body will elevate your confidence all week long.

Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope 
You’re over talking on Friday. Make plans—like hitting up a concert or a movie—that don’t involve conversation. This weekend is all about radical honesty: Do what you want to do, and skip what you don’t. Coupled up? Let your partner know what’s really on your mind. Single? Don’t be afraid to share your honest opinion with a date. Telling them that their restaurant pick isn’t your favorite isn’t rude, it’s setting the stage for an honest partnership. On Sunday, hang back. Letting someone else take the lead is essential.

Pisces  Weekend Love Horoscope 
You’re feeling major desire all weekend long. Make the most of it: Think sexy lingerie (or nothing at all) a candlelit wine bar, and no plans on Saturday AM, so you can linger in bed. PDA reigns supreme all weekend, enjoy it! On Sunday, it’s all about giving into carnal cravings—there’ll be plenty of time for serious conversations later this week. Single? Some radical self-love is essential this weekend—indulge in worshipping your delicious self.

Feature photo by Camila Damasio.

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