Your January Monthly Love Horoscope: What Will 2018 Bring Up For You?

Happy New Year! The big shift right now isn’t just happening in our calendars, it’s happening in the sky. A full super moon in Cancer jump starts 2018 on January 1. It’s time to release the sensitivities that hold you back. Feel all your feelings, yes, but don’t take stuff so personally that you stop being yourself. Don’t let rejection close you off to the world. Stay soft and soldier on. There’s work to be done. Capricorn dominates through the sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto. Temper your emotionality and lean into your go-getter grit. Love this month is about commitment. Venus in Capricorn is loyal and pushes you to choose a partner who aligns with how you want to be seen. The sun and Venus are traveling together most of the month. This creates integration between our sense of selves and our love lives. A Capricorn new moon on January 16 intensifies this integration, and then it’s onto Aquarius as Venus and the sun transition on January 17 and January 19. And then, the month comes full circle with another full super moon on January 31! But this time it’s a lunar eclipse! And it’s happening in Leo, the sign of romance, children, and play. So make to sure to have some fun!
Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!
Aries January Love Horoscope
January is full of good luck, great sex, and lots of love. Mars in Scorpio travels with Jupiter and supports Venus. You are able to find balance between your sexual, spiritual energy and Capricorn’s earthy practicality. You have to remember to make space for romance, but once you do, love will flow easily through your life. You have more patience than usual and are acting from intuition versus reacting from boredom or frustration. When you realize how much success this brings you, you’re able to integrate this into how you think about the world. When Mars transitions into Sagittarius on January 26, it’s easy to forget what Mars in Scorpio taught you. You might start to experience increased friction in your relationships, but the key is to keep an open heart and always ask yourself how your choices will make other people feel.
Love Lesson: What people remember most is how you make them feel.
Best Days for Love: 7, 11, 22
Hardest Days for Love: 23, 24, 31
Passion Prediction:
Taurus January Love Horoscope
Venus moves alongside the sun all month. And since Venus is your ruler, this will affect you even more than most. Love becomes wrapped in ego. You can only tolerate romance that aligns with how you see yourself, and you will take all romantic issues incredibly personally. Any rejection will hit you hard, and if you’re accepting love that isn’t what you want, then you are forced to really look at yourself. After all, the love we accept is a reflection of the love we have for ourselves. How do you see yourself? How does this affect your romantic choices? What kind of love will truly support who you are and what you want to become? Sit with these questions. You won’t be able to get love off your mind, so you might as well put that energy to good use and get some clarity. The many moons and eclipse at the end of the month will all help you with this
Love Lesson: Love is our greatest mirror.
Best Days for Love: 6, 11, 16
Hardest Days for Love: 1, 19, 25
Passion Prediction:
Gemini January Love Horoscope
You start the month with one foot firmly in 2017. You are rewriting past decisions and correcting old mistakes while moving forward with tremendous clarity. You’re also full of adventure and play, but when Mercury moves into Capricorn on January 11, life becomes far more serious. You’re ready to get to work and ready to settle down in love. Whatever heartbreak you carried from 2017 is behind you. You want the next, better thing – whether that’s a new relationship or a new phase in your current relationship. You’re highly likely find this by embracing your spiritual side and any interest you have in tarot, astrology, and the occult. This is emphasized by Mars in Scorpio, and on or around January 16, I encourage you to treat yourself to an activity that nourishes your spiritual pursuit. This is when you just may meet someone new.
Love Lesson: Do what you love to meet people you’ll love.
Best Days for Love: 6, 15, 26
Hardest Days for Love: 2, 8, 28
Passion Prediction:
Cancer January Love Horoscope
The Cancer full moon on January 1 opposes the sun and Venus, and there’s no denying the truth. How you feel right now is because of the choices you’ve made in love. Relationships may come to an end, but there’s still hope. Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio support the sun and Venus, so if you can connect to your lover sexually, you may be able to heal your emotional distress. This is the theme throughout the month. For you, how do love and sex relate to one another? Jupiter is bringing good luck to these areas, so now is the time to address this question, and if you’ve been building walls between love and sex, now is time to tear them down. Yes, you can have one without the other, but is that really what you want? What happens this month informs your final decision, and on January 31, the eclipse conjuncts the karmic north node in Leo, which rules romance and children. You’ll know by then whether this is really the person you can build a home and family with.
Love Lesson: Don’t settle in something that doesn’t fulfill you just because you’re afraid no one else will ever love you.
Best Days for Love: 16, 17, 31
Hardest Days for Love: 1, 4, 31
Passion Prediction:
Leo January Love Horoscope
This is the month to get your love life in order. Your ruler, the sun, conjuncts Venus during all three of the major moon phases, and on the eclipse, the moon conjuncts the north karmic node in Leo. Everything that happens right now is working to get you and your soulmate partner together. Your love life is active, and while you could easily experience most of this activity in your mind, Mars in Scorpio suggests that you’ll likely have a lot of sex, and the people you’re with will act as a mirror for what you really want. They help you get closer to meeting your partner or realizing that you’ve already met. The sun and Venus are in your solar seventh house of marriage while the moon activates your life path. This causes the full moons at the beginning and end of the month to be particularly intense, and the eclipse will anchor you to your person.
Love Lesson: Keep your eyes, your heart, and your mind open to love.
Best Days for Love: 11, 16, 31
Hardest Days for Love: 1, 4, 23
Passion Prediction:
Virgo January Love Horoscope
Mercury’s direct, and the collective energy is brought back down to Earth in Capricorn. After December’s fiery seas, this month brings comfort and clarity. It’s time to focus your attention on what matters most – your work and your love life. Getting to work is easy right now, and you are likely to experience professional success, especially if you express yourself creatively. Venus conjuncts the sun in your solar fifth house. You want attention. You want prestige. You want devoted, committed love, and you’re focused on how you’re going to get that. The time is now. This month is sandwiched between two full super moons, and somewhere in the middle, you will uncover what or who you want. You will make a significant decision, informed by your desire to have romance along with professional success.
Love Lesson: When you prioritize real love, then you’ll make the choices to support it.
Best Days for Love: 6, 9, 15
Hardest Days for Love: 2, 19, 30
Passion Prediction:
Libra January Love Horoscope
You want harmony, and this month is all about finding harmony and cohesion between your love life and your professional life. Does your work keep you from finding love? Are you only reaping Venus’ material rewards and not her emotional ones? Does your lover hold you back from your professional ambitions? You need someone who motivates you and supports you. You also need work that allows you to create space for love. Think practically, and remember the importance of your heart as well as your wallet. Drop any ideas you have about yourself that keep you from what you want. If you think you’re too old, too unapproachable, too busy, too unqualified, too whatever, then it’s time to let those ideas go. They’re keeping you from getting where you want to be.
Love Lesson: Love teaches you to constantly balance your love for yourself with your love for another. There’s no room for big egos here.
Best Days for Love: 11, 16, 31
Hardest Days for Love: 7, 8, 9
Passion Prediction:
Scorpio January Love Horoscope
The first half of the month brings you tremendous luck as Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Scorpio! Now is the time to make big moves romantically and professionally. Jupiter will be showing you its generosity all year, but this month, with Mars in the mix, everything you do is attracting abundance. And you can expect to see this especially in your love life. Both Mars and Jupiter sextile Venus and the sun. This combined with the fact that Capricorn rules your solar third house means that self expression is huge right now, so don’t be afraid to show up for yourself and what you really want! Move with courage and confidence. This will nourish every part of you and launch fireworks in your love life. The eclipse at the end of the month will be challenging for any relationship, so be careful to slow down then.
Love Lesson: Don’t hold back.
Best Days for Love: 6, 11, 16
Hardest Days for Love: 18, 27, 31
Passion Prediction:
Sagittarius January Love Horoscope
The Mercury retrograde shadow keeps you in the thick of Mercury’s lessons through January 11. While others are moving forward with clarity and comfort, you’re still processing and need additional rest. This can leave you feeling isolated, but instead of letting loneliness get to you, take this as an opportunity for self care and give yourself a mini at-home retreat. Spoil yourself with love and plenty of time to reflect and journal. As the month progresses, your focus turns to work and money. It’s not that you won’t experience romance, but it’s just not your priority. You’re buckling down and less inclined to spend money on dates. Financial security is the priority, and any romance has to fit within this. On January 25, Mars moves into Sagittarius, and you’ll begin to loosen up and feel free to be spontaneous and adventurous again. As always, life is a cycle.
Love Lesson: Don’t sacrifice your priorities to satisfy your lover.
Best Days for Love:10, 27, 31
Hardest Days for Love: 1, 9, 16
Passion Prediction:
Capricorn January Love Horoscope
Happy birthday season! The sun, Venus, Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury are in Capricorn for most of the month, and with Venus conjuncting the sun, love lays the bedrock for your sense of self. You will feel closer in any partnership, but whether you’re single or partnered, be careful not to become dependent on love in order to feel good. If this happens, you risk self-sabotaging by either demanding too much of your partner or pushing them away simply because you fear you could lose them. Besides that, this is a powerful time for love in your life. If you’re in a good relationship, you are likely to increase your commitment by becoming official, moving in together, getting engaged, getting married, or whatever is the logical next step from where you are. Congratulations! Love is in the air.
Love Lesson: Hold your partner close while giving them plenty of freedom to be.
Best Days for Love: 6, 11, 16
Hardest Days for Love: 23, 28, 29
Passion Prediction:
Aquarius January Love Horoscope
Capricorn wants you to color within the lines, but you don’t care for that. You want to do things differently, and you may feel stifled by the traditional values permeating the air. This sends you deep inside yourself for contemplation, alone time, and spiritual inquiry. You’ll need any partner to give you space or simply to meet you where you are by inquiring about your inner world. While you’re focused on internal reality, you’re still taking care of everything you need to do. It’s just that you’re approaching all of this from a more meditative place. By January 19, Venus and the sun will have moved into Aquarius, and you’ll be ready to actively engage with the world again. Once you do, get ready because the eclipse on January 31 will create a major shift in your life.
Love Lesson: Take time to yourself to prepare for big changes and to approach your partner with a clear mind.
Best Days for Love: 20, 27, 31
Hardest Days for Love: 1, 16, 17
Passion Prediction:
Pisces January Love Horoscope
Surround yourself with your tribe! For most of January, you’ll experience love through friendship, and if you’re in a relationship, your partner is likely one of your best friends. So if you haven’t taken the time to introduce your partner to the rest of your friends, then this is the month to get everyone together. Throw a party. The full moon on January 1 imbues Venus and the sun with energy from all three water signs. This anchors the spiritual plane to the earthly plane and grounds you in your body and your relationships. This helps you accomplish your goals, and you’ll be even more successful if you work on projects that include your community. Now is not the time to retreat into yourself. Be sexy. Be fierce. Mars in Scorpio has your back, so embrace your mysterious, dark side.
Love Lesson: Your true friends will love the person who loves you.
Best Days for Love: 6, 11, 21
Hardest Days for Love: 13, 15, 19
Passion Prediction:
Virginia teaches you how to harness your intuitive powers, choose your most purposeful work, create nourishing boundaries, and attract your ideal partner. She utilizes tools and techniques acquired over years of working with energy, science, astrology, tarot, yoga, meditation, and more! She helps you remember just how free and powerful you really are. Are you ready for you most magical, meaningful life? Connect with Virginia now and discover more!
Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!
Read last month’s love horoscope here!
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