Your Daily Horoscope for Saturday, November 4: Cast Your Own Bewitching Spell


On November 4, 2017

In Aspect, Fall, Spirit

Your Daily Horoscope for Saturday, November 4: Cast Your Own Bewitching Spell

This Taurus full moon, juxtaposed with Scorpio season, is passionate, creative, and anything but placid. Expect bonds to be tested, unexpected people to come into your life, and a weekend to remember. It’s not a weekend to hunker down at home, it’s a weekend to get out, explore, and follow where your intuition leads you. Here, what else to expect this Saturday, November 4. 

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

Aries Daily Horoscope
Money is on your mind today, Rams, as information is revealed that requires some quick thinking. This may be unnerving, but it’s not a bad thing. Remember the Warren Buffett quote: Find a way to make money in your sleep, or else you’re going to work until you die? Today may be a day to visit a side hustle or investment idea. Be bold!  

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
A full moon in your sign late last night creates ripples in your day today. You may find someone comes into your life who you didn’t expect, or what you thought was a casual relationship to take on a more intense tone. Be open, be honest, and enjoy the day—it won’t be relaxing, but it will definitely be one to remember. 

What does your soul crave in 2018? Your Vedic horoscope can tell you …

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
The full moon in your privacy sector may urge you to share some secrets—you may find that something you’ve been hiding comes to light, and that can be incredibly freeing, Gemini. Your emotions won’t be ignored, and the more you suppress your feelings, the more they’ll fight—now flow—their way out. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Tensions rise today, and a lot of them have to do with the way you’ve responded to situations in the past. Have you said “yes” even though it was code for “hell, no” when it came to a personal request—like a friend asking to crash on your couch for a week? They are responding to your words, and it’s up to you to suck it up, and say what you mean, Crabs. 

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Leo Daily Horoscope
Life is good, good, good, Lions. You’ve got opportunities coming toward you from all directions, and while it’s awesome to be in demand, remember that you don’t have to say yes to whatever comes along. You’re in control and in demand—it’s a good place to be. And remember, if something sounds too good to be true? It probably is. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
Life has felt same-old, and as the full moon lights up your adventure sector, you’re itching to shake things up. But “shake things up” doesn’t mean “act recklessly.” The stars say to hold on tightly to your money, your ID, and your wallet, because nothing cuts an adventure short faster than losing your stuff. 

Need an instant answer to a tough question? This Tarot deck has it.

Libra Daily Horoscope
You’ve been holding yourself back for the last few weeks—and maybe even the last few years. There’s something on your mind that has stopped you from moving forward. Now’s the time to let it go. Seriously. And the best way to do so is to become passionate about a new project, endeavor, or person. With that in mind, go out tonight, Libra. Talk to strangers. And find something to run toward. 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Drama is in the forecast, so buckle up, Scorpios! And while it might seem like the conflict came out of the blue, ask yourself honestly how you contributed. Apologies are important, today. And be kind to others—it may be best to just step away from the issue causing stress and hang out with people who can buoy your spirits. 

Learn about your animal sign with the wisdom of Chinese astrology.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
The full moon pulls up all sorts of things that have been hidden, which may even include a health issue that may need immediate addressing. But also don’t freak out. The full moon can crank up your emotions and cause your gut to sound the alarm when there’s no need for concern. Sharing your worries with others can help you go through whatever life throws your way calmly. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Venus and Neptune can cause some drama, especially in your relationships, including those in your professional life. Brace yourself. And also, check in on your goals. Is your work schedule detracting from your home life? It may be a day to make some choices, compromises, and plans to recalibrate your work/life balance. 

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Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
The full moon lights up your home sector, and you may have an issue that comes up that demands your full attention. Your friends and family look to you as a leader today, but if you don’t have the answers, don’t bluff. Sharing the load is key today. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Emotions run high, but the people who surround you today may not be safest to share your deepest secrets, desires, and fears. You may need to turn inward today to get through whatever you have to do. But do set aside time to decompress, either by yourself or with someone you know has your back. 

Read your weekly horoscope.

Read your November horoscope. 

Art by Maria The Witch. Find her prints at Maria the Witch on Society 6. 

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Want more info to tap into the power of your zodiac sign today? Try these articles!
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