The Difference Between a May Taurus and an April Taurus

By Katie Robinson

On May 23, 2022

In Astrology, Taurus

The Difference Between a May Taurus and an April Taurus

Did you know there are different types of Taurus out there? Generally, you’re considered a Taurus if you were born between April 20 and May 20. However, depending on whether you were born at the end of April or beginning of May will dictate the type of Taurus you really are.

The Difference

The biggest difference between these two Taureans is a matter of how they approach life, what they enjoy, and how much of a “Taurus” they are. 

But how does that work?

Well, within a sign, there are three parts, called “decans.” Each decan has a 10-degree orb—which makes up the 30 degrees of a sign. Typically, the first decan (0–10 degrees encompasses all the very raw traits of the sign). And, because the sun changes degrees every day, this is the biggest difference between a Taurus born in April and one born in May. An April Taurus will have much more raw Taurus traits than the one born in May.

To figure out which decan you were born under, calculate your birth chart for free!

Types of Taurus

First Decan Taurus

This Taurus will have all the most intentional and basic Taurus personality traits.

Second Decan Taurus

This Taurus will have a softened version of the raw Taurus traits.

Third Decan Taurus

This Taurus will embody some more mutable traits that Gemini (the next sign) possesses—like an ability to go with the flow, take a chill pill, and react to every situation with poise and intelligence.

Additionally, depending on when you were born, Mercury, the planet of communication, technology, and intellect, will be in a different position. While Mercury changes signs every three to four weeks, it is never too far away from the sun—and, therefore, Earth. So, it can consistently be found in the surrounding zodiac signs … but it will dictate how you process and react to certain information—hence, the differences in responses!

April Taurus



An April Taurus possesses all of the “Taurean” traits we all know and love (stubbornness, love of luxury, determination, etc.) because it will most likely fall in the first decan.

This sign is likely to enjoy gift-giving, romance, and wooing. They are incredibly touchy and sexual. They enjoy the good life, moving slowly, and taking their time when they’re enjoying a good thing.

May Taurus



A May Taurus will possess those raw traits but will soften them up a little—in preparation for the next sign: Gemini. So, instead of being extremely stubborn, this person might simply be willful.

Instead of being materialistic, this person might simply have great taste. Instead of having extreme patience, this Taurus might actually know when to let go and move on. 


When is Taurus born?

You have a Taurus birthday if you were born between April 20 and May 20.

Are Taurean mean?

Of course not!

First of all, Taurus doesn’t have a “mean” bone in their body. They are lovers who just want to be validated for all the hard work they put in. Secondly, your zodiac sign doesn’t determine how nice you are.

Can a Taurus date a Taurus?

Why not? Any relationship can work if you want it badly enough and do the right things! Additionally, if you get a birth chart compatibility reading, you might realize you have more in common than you thought.

How does Taurus act?

Patiently, calmly, and slowly.

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