Ophiuchus Pronunciation: How Do You Say ‘Ophiuchus’?

By Jessica Estrada

On March 17, 2022

In Astrology, Sign

Ophiuchus Pronunciation: How Do You Say ‘Ophiuchus’?

While we all thought there were only 12 zodiac signs, for like forever, NASA threw us a curveball back in 2011 with its discovery of a large constellation between Sagittarius and Scorpio, thus giving birth to a *new* 13th zodiac sign: Ophiuchus. As you can imagine, this caused a bit of panic in astrology circles because it potentially messes up everyone’s zodiac sign—the horror. 

Still, one of the most pressing questions about the new sign (besides, is it even real? More on this later.) is: how do you say Ophiuchus? Given the funky spelling, this is a very fair question. If the pronunciation stumped you, you’re not the only one. Keep scrolling to learn how to pronounce Ophiuchus. 

How to Pronounce Ophiuchus

First, a little backstory: Ophiuchus stems from the Greek word Ophioukhos, meaning serpent bearer. It’s pronounced “oh-FEW-kuss.” Sure, a name that rhymes with mucus is not quite as sexy and catchy as Pisces or Gemini, but there you have it. Consider yourself ready to chat about all things Ophiuchus IRL without the fear of butchering the name. Now, onto more FAQs about the highly controversial new zodiac sign. 

Ophiuchus: 13th Zodiac Sign

Babies born between November 29 and December 17 are considered Ophiuchus. This would mean that many people’s star sign would be the sign that precedes the one they’ve identified with their whole lives. For instance, if your birthday lands on March 24 (like me!) and you’ve lived as a fiery, competitive Aries since the day you came Earthside, with the introduction of Ophiuchus that would now make you a watery, emotionally intelligent Pisces. Cue the identity crisis. 

We don’t know much about Ophiuchus personality traits, but astrologers say they would reflect someone who is born on the cusp between Saggitarus and Capricorn on the OG zodiac wheel. They have a little Sagittarius flavor (truth-seeking, captivating, funny) mixed with Capricorn‘s drive and ambition. And, because the constellation of Ophiuchus is sandwiched between Scorpio and Saggitarius, you also get some Scorpio vibes—think secretive, jealous, and super passionate. 


Is Ophiuchus Even Real?

The short answer: yes and no. Ophiuchus, the constellation, is very real. And although the buzz around it has gone viral in recent years, it’s not new. In fact, according to NASA, the Babylonians who created the zodiac were aware of the existence of Ophiuchus but chose not to incorporate it so the 12 constellations would match up with the 12 calendar months. 

Ophiuchus, the zodiac sign, however, is a different story. Astrologers don’t consider Ophiuchus to be part of the zodiac wheel. The astrological system as we know it—based on the 12 original zodiac signs—has been in place for thousands of years. It’s elegant, balanced, magnificent, and most importantly, it works. There’s no need to add a 13th sign to throw things out of whack. So, no, Ophiuchus is not a real zodiac sign.  

Am I Still a Sagittarius?

Yes, my dear Sag friend. You can breathe easily. Once a Saggitarius, always a Saggitarius. 

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