5 Things Everyone Needs This Leo Season (Especially Leos!)

By Maressa Brown

On August 5, 2019

In Astrology, Leo

5 Things Everyone Needs This Leo Season (Especially Leos!)

The vibe is shifting! From July 22 to August 23, the sun will make its journey through loyal and confident fixed fire sign Leo—a sign ruled by the sun (which oversees all things related to self-image, confidence, vitality, identity, and life purpose).

As we waltz into Leo season, you may be more playful and flirtatious, display your affection in dramatic ways, or go after your most ambitious goals with total self-assuredness.

What Characterizes Leo Season?

Compared to the sentimental, home-loving, sensitive vibes of Cancer season, the sun’s trip through its home sign of Leo promotes a more ardent, determined, and fiery perspective on love and life. Leo season tends to be made for idea-generation and taking action. Both signs are creative, but while Cancer energy can have you feeling perfectly content spending time in your feelings and dreams, Leo vibes turn your razor-sharp sights to booking that flight, pitching that business proposal, or making a courageous move and sharing what’s in your heart.

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Leo season also tends to bring out any cravings for attention and the spotlight, so throwing a Gatsby-level party, making presentations, taking to the stage to perform or showcasing your art in another way, or even just crafting the perfect Instagram post for the maximum number of likes.

With the inner fire-fueling sun as its guiding force, Leo season bumps up our appetite for cinematic love, joyfulness, attention, self-pampering, and pure, unadulterated warmth in relationships.

What Leo People Should Expect This Season

If you were born under Leo, your 2019 season will be filled with big, bold planetary aspects that boost your swagger.

On July 25, action planet Mars in your sign forms a harmonious trine to expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius, and on August 7, the sun in your sign trines the planet of luck. Both transits charge your confidence, efforts to get ahead on artistic projects, and romantic fulfillment.

On July 27, Venus moves into your sign for nearly a month (heading into Virgo on August 21), turning up the volume on your charisma, radiance, and magnetism, as well as desire to be swept off your feet.

Then, a new moon in your sign on July 31 sparks your desire to set an intention that’s close to your heart.

At the same time, you’ll want to be aware of certain planetary shifts that have you feeling like taking a hiatus from the spotlight. Mercury, retrograde since July 7, will move backward through your twelfth house of spirituality until it goes direct on July 31, remaining in that sector until August 11.

Instead of forging ahead on certain projects, you’ll feel compelled to focus on self-reflection, meditation, research, and zeroing in on what you actually want to manifest.

Game-changing planet Uranus goes retrograde in your tenth house of career, requiring you to turn inward to find the best path to change up and elevate your professional path.

Self-Care Items to Get You Through Leo Season

While these pace-slowing aspects may be frustrating for an action-oriented Leo, quiet solo time can be restorative and set you up for even more success down the road. Hence, self-care items! Here we’ve rounded up a few items to help you work through this phase and showing up for yourself. (Btw, you still might benefit from these items during this season—even if you weren’t born with your sun in the fixed fire sign!)

HipDot Perfect Face

hip dot perfect face

Courtesy of HipDot

HipDot Perfect Face palette, $18

From July 27 to August 21, Venus moves through your sign, boosting your radiance from the inside out and making you even more of a magnet for attention and affection. You’re sure to love the spotlight, romantic vibes, and self-pampering that this transit brings. You adore bumping up your existing glow by getting playful with makeup, and you’ll love highlighters with natural, rosy and gold undertones, like the ones in this palette. The kit includes a pinky peach blush, universally flattering bronze for contouring, and a whimsical highlighter. The icing: It comes in chic packaging inspired by rose quartz (the crystal associated with the heart chakra and unconditional love).

Moon Juice Brain Dust

brain dust moon dust

Courtesy of Amazon

Moon Juice Brain Dust supplement, $38

When Jupiter, currently in your fifth house of creativity and romance, creates a magical effect with Mars in your sign on July 25, followed by the sun on August 7, you’ll be fired up and ready to put your imagination to work to fulfill some of your most burning desires. Having the energy to tackle everything shouldn’t be an issue, but if your focus and mental clarity could use a little pick-me-up—especially with communication planet Mercury retrograde until July 31—you might do well to try Moon Juice’s Brain Dust powder. It blends adaptogenic mushrooms and herbs like lion’s mane and ashwagandha to enhance mental stamina and concentration.

Metallic Journal Set

metallic journals

Courtesy of Amazon

Samsill Metallic Journal Set, $14.99 for three (rose gold, gold, silver)

Around July 31, when the new moon falls in your sign, and while Mercury moves through your twelfth house of spirituality until August 11,  you’ll be visualizing and setting intentions while working through your innermost hopes and dreams in a quiet, introspective way. Then, while it moves through your sign from the 11th to August 29, you’ll be preparing to share your proposals and most imaginative ideas and desires with the world. During both phases, you could be compelled to put what’s in your heart into words. For that reason, you’ll do well to have journals—especially in regal Leo, precious metal-inspired hues— at the ready for creative thought-spilling.

Comptoir Sud Pacifique Vanille Travel Spray Layering Duo

sud pacifique vanille

Courtesy of Amazon

Comptoir Sud Pacifique Vanille Travel Spray Layering Duo, $32 for two 10mL sprays

While the sun moves through your sign from July 22 to August 23, you’ll enjoy a burst of exuberance and self-assuredness—not to mention desire to enjoy all the sun-worshipping trappings of your season. Enjoy a little bit of sensual aromatherapy with these tropical vacation-inspired vanilla and coconut perfumes. Bonus: They’re travel-friendly, so you can bring them along for a sunny, sweet pick-me-up while you’re on whatever exciting, take-charge adventure the moment brings—be that at the beach or boardroom.

Lioness Vibrator

Lioness Vibrator

Courtesy of Lioness

Lioness Vibrator, $229

With the full moon lighting up your seventh house of partnership on August 15, you may be meditating on the best ways to assert and satisfy your desires with a significant other or would-be partner. And because the full moon falls in forward-thinking, science-loving air sign Aquarius, you may be more inclined to experiment with cutting-edge technology. Enter the Lioness, a splurge-y sex toy, named perfectly for a Leo and branded as a “Fitbit for your personal sexual health,” it’s the first vibrator that aims ot help you improve your orgasms by gathering realtime data from your own arousal and orgasm. It was also refined by a women-led team. Enjoying the Lioness solo or during partner play could have you feeling even more empowered about your needs and how to best meet them.

Lead photos courtesy of Twenty20; Design by Horoscope.com

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