5 Secrets to Making Your Wishes Come True—Fast

What if your big, brilliant, successful, love-infused, magical life were only a thought away? It might be, especially if you pick the right time (and way) to do it.
The other day I went to an event, sponsored by a jewelry company, with guest hypnotherapist Shauna Cummins. Participants were told to close their eyes and—similar to the experience of a sound bath tune into the rhythm of their breathing, focusing on what they wanted as they moved aside fear and expectations. And then, it was time to look into the future. Here, in this super-simple mind trick, is how the magic happens.
Sitting in a comfortable place, imagine your life a year from now. What will you be wearing? Who will you be with? What will your commute look like, or what might your after work plans be? Be as imaginative and creative as possible. Feel that big, bold life. Imagine the way your clothes feel on your skin, envision what your Instagram grid will look like, and then, write down the three big, bright goals you want to achieve.
Read Me: How to Make All Your Wishes Come True
According Cummins, who calls the practice “Wish Craft,” it’s important to write these thoughts down—even if you don’t necessarily know how or when you’ll actually achieve these goals. After you’ve written them down, here’s how to make them a reality.
Talk them up.
Find a friend, and pretend you’re meeting one year in the future. Talk as though your dreams have been achieved. Where have you come from? What are your weekend plans? It’s okay if the conversation gets a little silly — the point, says Cummins, is to learn how to shift your language from “I want” to “I am.”
Write them down.
You have your goal list, but make them a reality by setting up an email for your future self. Send her updates, thoughts, advice, memes. You’re meeting your future self. Get creative. Have fun! See him or her. Visualize him or her. Become friends with him or her.
Courtesy of @ameyasrealm
Text them to friends.
Have a goal group chat, and, instead of talking with friends about what you want, imagine everything has happened. Use present tense. Again, the idea is to get used to talking as if those dreams already happened.
Have a piece of “intention jewelry.”
A piece of jewelry can serve as a powerful talisman to keep you focused on your goal.
Set a reminder on your phone.
Once a day, for one minute, give yourself permission to think about your future life. Allow yourself to daydream. Remind yourself how it’s okay to have wants.
Of course, during this time, you’re also dating, working, or writing that killer book or business plan. You’re living your life, but you’re living with a bit more intention and purpose. Over time, the tiny, almost imperceptible actions you take every day—you say hi to a certain person, you finally open and name that business plan doc on your laptop—become the big ones that lead to a big, bright, authentic life.
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