Your Weekly Horoscope: Excitement, Expectations, and Every Day Miracles!


On December 16, 2018

In Astrology

Your Weekly Horoscope: Excitement, Expectations, and Every Day Miracles!

December 17 – December 23, 2018

You may seek excitement and have expectations for something different as the sun makes a harmonious angle to electric Uranus. Although this aspect peaks on Thursday, it could influence the days before that. 

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The later part of the week is far busier, with sweet Venus aligning with elusive Neptune on Friday to bring a very romantic and spiritual element to life. On the same day, chatty Mercury merges with expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius, which could coincide with a fortuitous encounter. Also that day, the sun moves into Capricorn for a four-week stay. This is the time of year when you think about next year and what you hope to accomplish in 2019. 

The full moon in Cancer on Saturday is a particularly sensitive one. It might be wise to take a reduced schedule, if possible, so you feel less pressured as you go about your day.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Get ready for a week of spur-of-the-moment trips, intense journeys, and holiday revelry with loved ones. Not everything will go as you expect — but unexpected encounters and fascinating conversations could help you feel alive with excitement! You’ll feel extra compassionate and giving this week, and you might even enjoy a spiritual or religious event. When the sun moves into Capricorn and your sector of goals and career on Friday, you’ll feel eager to tie up loose ends and get everything sorted for 2019! Read your entire Aries weekly horoscope.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Do you feel in need of some change, Taurus? Well think any big decisions through beforehand but due to a positive aspect between the sun and energetic Uranus, it seems it’ll all work out in your favor regardless! This week could also bring some romance and special dates — a night out with a partner or new love interest will be fruitful! And when the sun moves into Capricorn and your sector of travel on Friday, you’ll start to feel lighter and brighter. Read your entire Taurus weekly horoscope.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Keep an eye out for an unexpected invite, Gemini! It could lead to a great new connection with someone you want to get to know better. A merger between chatty Mercury and expansive Jupiter later in the week could leave you excited by a conversation and the wonderful ideas discussed. Good things are ahead! And with the sun’s move into Capricorn and your sector of business and shared assets on Friday, you’re gonna be filled with ideas to make that money, honey. Get it! Read your entire Gemini weekly horoscope.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

It’s a big week for opportunity, Cancer! Stay alert and a new business lead or job could be headed your way. When the sun moves into Capricorn and your relationship zone on Friday, you’ll be inspired to take stock and consider how you feel about friends and loved ones. It’s a good time to talk out those issues! And with a full moon in your sign on Saturday, you could feel extra emotional, especially in new situations or around new acquaintances. Find out more by reading your entire Cancer weekly horoscope.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Feeling restless, Leo? The sun, your guardian planet, aspects edgy Uranus and although it’s a positive transit, you could be feeling a little on edge. Hey, use it to your advantage and stay on your toes! Deeper currents hint at family discussions around money, property, and deeply personal issues — it doesn’t have to be difficult and open communication could lead to a good outcome for all. Read your entire Leo weekly horoscope.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

It’s another week of emphasis on home and family matters, Virgo! Keep your eyes peeled for a tantalizing surprise in that arena. If you’re single, a lovely tie between delectable Venus and ethereal Neptune in your relationship zone hints at the potential for a blossoming romance. And if you’re taken, it could mean some extra sizzling times are headed your way. And with the susn moves out of Sagittarius and your home zone and into Capricorn and your leisure and romance sector on Friday, you’ll get a signal on how you can best use your free time to use your advantage. Read your entire Virgo weekly horoscope.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Stay alert midweek for an encounter or chance conversation that might inspire you, lead to an opportunity, or give you crucial info! Venus, your ruler, angles toward nebulous Neptune on Friday, and you’re feeling extra giving — maybe it’s a good time to take part in a charity event or just find ways to give back. When the the sun moves into Capricorn on Friday, home and family matters get additional emphasis. Read your entire Libra weekly horoscope.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Read to make some money, Scorpio? Well it appears there’s a chance some might be coming your way, so heads up! And at the end of the week, you’ll be feeling extra good due to a great day with a loved one. Whether you’re single or spoken for, it appears romance is in the air for you! And with the full moon in your sector of far horizons on Saturday, you’ll be left dreaming of a person or place you don’t get to be around often. Le sigh. Read your entire Scorpio weekly horoscope.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Expect the unexpected midweek as a surprise invitation or even a visit boosts your spirits, Sagittarius! Hooray! And when  the sun moves out of your sign and into Capricorn and your personal money zone on Friday, it’s a good time to take stock of your finances and make your money work harder for you. Saturday’s full moon in a more intense sector might give you some angst — might I suggest a spa treatment or even just some meditation to take the edge off? Read your entire Sagittarius weekly horoscope.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

The sun is moving into your sign this week, Capricorn, and you’ll start to feel more in control of your life. Yay! It’s about time! Keep your eye on Thursday, because it’s a great time to focus inward and take care of yourself. What do you want? Think about it. At the end of the week, a great encounter will warm your heart and make you feel less alone. Read your entire Capricorn weekly horoscope.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

It’s gonna be a fabulous week of surprises and positive social events! You’ll feel engaged and inspired, and continue to be the life of the party. Keep your eye out for a fun encounter with a friend that involves a fascinating discussion. When the sun moves into Capricorn on Friday, things will start to chill out a bit, and you’ll be able to reflect and recharge. Enjoy! Read your entire Aquarius weekly horoscope.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

You might’ve been organizing events and meetups, Pisces, and this week sees it all come to a successful conclusion! When you’re networking, keep an eye out for an amazing opportunity that could appear to come out of the blue. Near the end of the week, you might have a heartwarming interaction with someone you don’t see often. And with the sun’s move into ambitious Capricorn on Friday, you’ll continue to sparkle in your social life! What a week! Read your entire Pisces weekly horoscope. — By Helen Adams & The Editorial Staff

Photo: @criene via Twenty20


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