Scorpio Money & Career Horoscope

Businesslike, ambitious Saturn will be partnered with rebellious Aquarius from the start of January until early March, so your attitude about work and success are very future-focused. You’re aware that whatever you do now affects your career and financial future, and you’re willing to put in the hard work to make sure you reach your goals. The influence of the fourth house also puts pressure on you to perform well in these areas for your family’s financial security and comfort, Scorpio, so your goals now reach beyond your own and reflect your plans to take care of loved ones as well.

Saturn moves into Pisces in early March and stays there through the end of the year. This partnership will find you dreaming of a better life but perhaps not wanting to follow it up with action. This is a very hazy, idealistic and creative cosmic partnership focused more on finding yourself than making lots of money or going hard at your job to make a good impression on your boss. If this transit had a motto it would be “follow your bliss” rather than anything to do with getting rich quick or going HAM on your goals.

Fortunate Jupiter can bring some financial luck your way in 2023, and as it travels along in money guru Taurus and your partnership zone from mid-May through the end of the year, lucrative opportunities come your way via engaging and partnering with others. Jupiter will be headed retrograde from early September to the end of December, bringing some promising plans to a screeching halt. Use this slowdown to assess and regroup. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself questions about your current state of happiness and how it relates to your financial goals and success. If you’re satisfied, great! If you want more money, do something about it.

Personalized Career Horoscope

Personalized Career Horoscope

This career report takes a deep dive into your talents, ambitions, and motivations based on your Birth Chart!