Virgo Singles Horoscope
Romance looms large throughout 2018, Virgo, and you'll have the energy to keep up with it all. At times, it may seem like there's no end to the number of love prospects who are looking for you.
Emotional tensions and demands may be highest in January and February. You could meet someone fascinating now, but just as likely you'll collect a lot of fascinating stories from lover wannabes who need attention more than you do. Be compassionate, as ever.
March and April will have more than their share of romantic fantasies and idealistic promises. You know how to sort through them and pick out anything or anyone real.
The slowest time may be June and July, when you might be ready for a break from the parade of romantic prospects.
Be irresistable in September, no matter how you feel. The Venus retrograde in October lets you pick and choose at your own pace. A substantial romantic offer could find you in November.