Virgo Couples Horoscope
People will try to keep the two of you busy all year long, Virgo, and that's fine. It will only serve to draw you closer together and appreciate one another more.
If work issues become distressing in January or February, home life will be more and more comforting and supportive. Use love to build yourselves up.
In April, the financial condition of a friend or family member or perhaps some out-of-the-blue business prospect might cause some anxiety or doubt. Everything should work out fine. Meanwhile, you're there for one another. Now, that's love.
You may both be preoccupied with work or social commitments during the summer, but save time for a romantic getaway, perhaps in August or September. Love isn't taking a back seat to outside world concerns, and the Venus retrograde in October will make that obvious. However, if you're thinking of legally formalizing your relationship (if you haven't already), perhaps wait until Venus goes direct in the second half of November.