Scorpio Couples Horoscope
The year 2018 is passionate about practical concerns and real accomplishments, Scorpio, and this is a great atmosphere for couples to flourish. You and your partner can greatly advance in the world and feel good about all the progress.
As the sun enters Scorpio, it is in an applying conjunction with Venus. This adds charm to any relationship. The sun and Venus are also in opposition to Uranus. There will be nothing boring about your love life. You probably both still have plenty of surprises in store for one another.
When Mars is retrograde from late June through late August, it ends in Capricorn. If work tries to consume all your time, or all of your partner's time, there will be empathy and support. Love wants to be responsible in 2018.
The Venus retrograde of October and early November is mostly in Scorpio but finishes in partner-centric Libra. Emotions may be suppressed but are intensifying. Late November and December should be steamy and satisfying.