Jul 22, 2024 - Jul 28, 2024 - We roar into the week with a new season when the sun enters Leo on Monday. Get ready to be the main character of your life as the sun shines in the sign it rules for the next few weeks. Even the most introverted people can be bold and make a name for themselves. Go after what you want with dramatic flair.

Another planet moves into the sign it rules this week when Mercury enters analytical Virgo on Thursday. However, this won’t be a smooth homecoming thanks to the retrograde next week, moving in and out of the earth sign. Do your best to get grounded now so your anxieties don’t take over.

Especially when Chiron goes into retrograde in Aries on Friday. The asteroid of the wounded healer will have us tending to our bruised egos. Make sure you pick your battles with care. Use this as an opportunity to be humble and know when to walk away.

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