Five things Sags do better than anyone else…

Sags have so many qualities that it would be hard to narrow them down. When I think about our sign, the following five seem to be the most outstanding qualities given to us:

1. We have endless optimism - We not only believe we know everything is possible, even if we stumble and fail, we eventually get there.

2. We embrace change more than just learning to accept it. And we do it with humor and a smile on our face.

3. We always have something to say and chances are you are going to keep thinking about the conversation you had with us for a while.

4. We look to the future - Dwelling on a mistake or something that went wrong does work for us. Sags leave the past where it belongs, behind.

5. We form bonds that last forever - We are that friend others imagine themselves growing older with. They can count on us being there for them and also on calling them out when it’s necessary.

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