Libras can't stand it when you say these things...

Libras are the best listeners in the Zodiac, because they care so much about hearing everyone out and achieving the fairest outcome. They want everyone to feel validated and important.

Although they may keep listening with a patient expression, it's easy to push a Libra's buttons with certain phrases. Try not to say these to a Libra, or you may hear a surprisingly candid response! (I added what I am thinking when I hear these dreaded words.)

"But that's not fair!" (True, and it really bothers me.)
"I refuse to..." (Sigh... Why can't we all just work together?)
"There's nothing I can do, so why even bother?" (There's always something you can do to help!)
"OMG, guess what I just heard about ____." (Gossip is so high school!)

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